So 3 days in, the detox went belly up. (Hang head in shame) I suffer from anaemia and because I spilled my iron supplements on the bathroom floor and I had no intention of drinking pills off the same floor I’v danced around naked on, I’ve been feeling rather weak and sleepy. Then yesterday I almost passed out when I was with my mother and she went all, “ja, you wanna not eat, blah blah blah”.
Anyway so I thought I should eat something substantial and although some steamed spinach would have done, I decided I’d rather not and opted for a burger, but before that I weighed myself and low and behold I lost almost 3kgs (I know I said I just did this to detox, but I was curious about weight loss) anyway I believe the loss was because of 1 of 3 things
1 – this detox is magic
2 – I didn’t weigh myself properly before
3 – All those liquids and spending all my time in bathroom, I probably just peed myself 3kgs lighter
Any ways the burger was a bad idea and I spent last night feeling like I had Christmas lunch with the Nutty Professor.
So today I’m back to eating healthy, but I’m not denying myself everything anymore-no thanx.