Guest blogger time:Hein!

Hein! (I dropped the ‘ask’ part coz people asked me to)

Hahaha so apparently Elle is broody, I’d like to hear Rob’s smartass
retort on this article lol. Being a father of one, almost 2 year
old(that I know of), has taught me a few things I’d like to share with
all who are broody and confirm to those who are already parents.

Firstly, NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING! Yes, even the ones who
think they have the perfect child cant say for certain their formula
will work on your child. What is left is just to raise your child to
the best of your abillity giving him or her every oppertunity to be
the best they can be.

BE PATIENT! The other day my son was feverishly ill and very clingy to
the point that I couldnt even take a decent potty break unless I had
to drag him along but amidst it all I had to stay calm and patient
because losing my temper or even slightly showing my frustration would
not help the situation one bit. If you do not have patience a child
will teach it to you one way or another. Heck it may take em 20 years
to move out on their own so you gotta be patient.

ENJOY EVERY MOMENT! Children are such a blessing that it breaks my
heart to see them being mistreated or abused. They teach us to play,
laugh, take chances…remeber how you use to mix different flavours of
soda together as a kid just to see what it would taste like? (made you
smile didnt I) :p
They have so much to offer if u just take the time to spend with them
and live in their world. One philosophy Elle and I have in common is
to keep the kid in us alive by doing and trying new and exciting
things as often as we can(much to the annoyance of our loving
partners), or be it acting silly(or as Elle would say be a Loon),
allow a child and the one within you to be free, within freedom is

NEVER WALK BAREFOOT ON A BROKEN TOY! Supernanny taught me that kids
learn through play so if u have a serious task e.g. cleaning up their
toys that u need them to do then make it fun for them and see how much
they enjoy it and how effecient they become at it. Such a lesson can
be applied in your own life too, if your job is tedious or lacks
excitement be like a kid and put some imagination into it. Time flies
when its spent having fun and stepping on a sharp toy barfoot in the
middle of the night is no fun at all.

MAKE TIME FOR YOUR PARTNER! I never believed it until now that Im
married but making time to be with your spouse is not only good for
you too but a child picks up alot by the way you interact with each
other. If you think about it your first instinctive ideas of love
comes from the biggest example you were exposed to growing up and your
parents taught you to love without even them knowing it just by loving
each other. Expressing love for your partner leaves a positive
impression for them to apply in their own future relationships. So
treat each other with respect, kindness and honesty and your child
will also one day demand this.

There is much more I can say on this thou I must be off. Above all
remember that no one knows what they are doing anyway so dont try too
hard but have fun doing so.
Life is precious and as such a child’s life even more.
If only people are wise enough to know when they are ready for a baby
and when to have oral sex.


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