I Asked Hein

So my friend Hein has been answering some “interesting” questions on the
blog for the last couple of weeks and this time I decided to ask a few
questions of my own. (very random)

WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?I am the eldest child in my family so no I was the first to be named

WHICH SUPER HERO DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP?Initially like all geeks who grew up in the 80’s I idolised Superman but
lying in the driveway with a sprained ankle, towel around my neck and
undies over my pants I realized I can never actually be him. I was
18 at the time.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH?Between 1 and 2pm, didn,t realize there are others.

DO YOU HAVE KIDS?One yes. Riley the magnificent boy wonder. My wife and I made him.

IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU?All my friends say yes I would (this a verrry clever answer, take your

Nah I prefer swearing, much less confusing, simple, direct and more
fuc%@&$ effective

WHAT IS THE MOST ADVENTUROUS THING YOU HAVE EVER DONE?Swear my mother…silently…while walking away.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL?Jack The Ripper because to this day he has never been caught, his
identity remains a mystery ,and he had class and precision in his
killing style…oh u mean porridge…ohhhkayy uhm… Jungle Oats?

DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF?No I stare at them till they willfully cowar off my feet.

DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG?See previous answer

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SNACK?Popcorn for sure…otherwise popcorn even when Im not sure

WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE ?If they are not alien; an alien will not know the basics of being human
like walking using one foot in front of the other, using your mouth to
talk or breathing oxygen…be on the lookout for human-looking like
creatures who hop on one leg, talk with their minds and breath farts,
chances are its an alien.

WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF?I can be very indecisive…no wait…I’m not sure…. yes, yes
indecisive it is

WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE ?What’s with all these food question?? Ok I’m fat yes, now can we get on
with it?

WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW?I dunno but it’s going pshhhhhhhhht click click click pffffff

IF YOU WHERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE?Blue, no red, no wait black…no wait…am I able to question my own
existence as a crayon?

FAVORITE SMELLS?I don’t know, who is he? (only to be understood in a South African
context where we have people named Patience, Holy, Gift, Prominent

WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE?My mom, she foned me from hospital, just admitted. After work I intend
to go straight to her house and jump on the beds, put my feet on the
coffee table, drink juice out the container and chew with my mouth open.
One must seize every oppertunity given.

FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH?In recent times soccer, at school it was Netball lying on our tummys on
the grass next to the court by the hoop. This made me somewhat of an
expert in women’s lingerie.

FAVORITE FOOD?Next question please!

SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?I love a good scary movie with a happy ending but hey wouldnt a happy
movie with a scary ending be cool? Like its all tralalalala good times
and then wham! a bus hits all the characters dead unexpectedly.


SUMMER OR WINTER?Global Warming wins


WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD?My mouse and aromat from where I ate popcorn


FAVORITE SOUND?Pshhhhhhhht click click click pfffft pshhhhhht

WHAT IS THE FURTHEST YOU HAVE BEEN FROM HOME?Guateng but once I was so high I nearly fell off the Mars

DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT?Looking for k*k, I dont even have to try

WHAT TALENT DO YOU WISH YOU HAD?To read people like a mentalist, books are so 19th century

WHERE WERE YOU BORN?Contrary to popular belief, not under a rock

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