It’s week 23 and baby’s (me) got back and front and all around


Ignore the need for a manicure

OMW!!!! When did I get this big, seriously Im currently walking into things and I’m convinced it is because half the body parts were not that size last time I checked also It has come to my attention that I’m mad as a hatter, I have always been an emotional sort but I swear I’m mentally loosing it, it doesn’t help that I’m suddenly humongous, I went maternity wear shopping and it was an ordeal!!!! worse than buying a bikini and you are PMSing!!!! but I got a few things and will be putting up some maternity outfit posts in the near future…


Pregnancy Week 23: All About Baby

Twenty-three weeks marks an important point for your unborn baby. Your baby-to-be is far enough along in his development that he could have a chance at survival outside the womb.
According to the March of Dimes, of all babies born at 23 weeks, 25 to 35 percent survive. This number goes up considerably when you add just a couple weeks: roughly 50 to 70 percent of all babies born at 24 to 25 weeks survive. And 90 percent of all babies born at 26 to 27 weeks survive.

Although all of your baby-to-be’s internal systems are in place, he needs more time for those intricate systems to mature.

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