So as most of you know (I sure have been moaning about it enough) I am not exactly happy with my current size, two pregnancies 6 months apart would do that to you…I’m round and it’s not a good look on my 153cm frame….But you will be happy to know that I will stop b%*ching about it and actually do something !!! I have joined a 12 week weigh loss challenge and started exercising again GO ME!!! I don’t expect to come out of this looking like a stick thin bikini model , but have this dream of being able to play on the beach with Aidan this December without being self-conscious and also being able to keep up with the busy body without needing a nap every few seconds…
I have made some diet changes…like I don’t inhale a slab of chocolate and chase it with biscuits anymore and the meal plan and weekly meetings seem to be keeping me motivated. We had our second weigh in yesterday and I have already started losing [good as I’m broke and if you gain weight you pay a “fine” which is given to the biggest loser at the end of the challenge] My friend Robyn and I have been exercising in the mornings for a while now but today we amped things up with a 3kg fast walk down a particularly “strenuous” stretch of road, OKAYYY she fast walked I trudged on behind wondering when I got THIS unfit, what I did to make Robyn HATE ME and suggest this TORTURE, how is this giving me a butt cramp, would she notice if I got into a cab, is that metallic/blood taste in my mouth just my imagination…you know the norm
But hey I did it and it wasn’t an easy walk in the park either it was this large stretch of road that winds up and down at quite an incline….
I’m feeling super motivated though and we will be trying again tomorrow and Friday I go back to the squash courts with Rob…so we can have some US TIME and get fit at the same time WIN/WIN
WATCH THIS SPACE J [I wasn’t going to say anything about this on the blog, so no one could really “track my journey” but then I thought announcing it on the blog should give me extra motivation because if I do quit you guys can all name and shame, hehehe]
Kudos to you joining a weight loss letting people outside the medical profession and your immediate family know your weight, I'd rather fall into a never ending hole than let other people know what I weigh.