Maybe Baby

So apparently I’m broody, it’s the weirdest thing, I’ve always put off the idea of having kids because:

1. Carrying some1 in your stomach is weird.
2. Babies poop and cry.
3. I know how babies are born “the horror”
4. Accessories are sold separately and boy oh boy do they need accessories.
5. I value sleep
6. I’m still a kid myself (age and being married aside)
-I’d carry on but don’t want to sound like a grinch

But lately having a baby doesn’t fill me with a sense of dread and I think waiting to be at least 30 is no longer on the cards because.

1. I find the thought of carrying a person around in your belly slightly less odd.
2. When people show me pics of kids I no longer politely smile while secretly thinking (seen 1 baby seen them all) I actually go googoo gaagaa over ppls pics.
3. I think baby clothes are too cute for words and baby shoes and baby everything.
4. I really miss my nieces when I haven’t seen them for a while, like really miss them.
5. I was visiting a home for abandoned babies the other day and almost stole one.
6. I feel a tinge of jealousy when I hear some1 I know is pregnant.
— there has been more signs, but I’ll keep those to myself in fear of people thinking their kids are no longer safe around me.

(I’m not saying I’m wanting to get knocked up this afternoon, just that I think my biological clock has started tick tock ticking.)

2 thoughts on “Maybe Baby

  1. Anonymous says:

    It's such a weird feeling . . .
    Thanks for the comment and the follow, off to check out your blog 🙂


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