1. Pasta for breakfast, not a everyday thing, but oooh so yummy once in a blue moon, to the chef, RYAN YOU ROCK!!!!!
2. chocolate cake for dessert in the morning, who says you can’t have dessert in the morning, huh huh huh
3. Waking up in a guilt free, who cares about calories, life it great mood— I pity the fool who messes with that
4. Paul Mitchell Super Skinny, because it actually does what it promises, used some of my friend’s (ja ja Robyn you were right) this morning and will be rushing out to buy my own. Now Paul Mitchell can move in next to Marc Anthony (for when I wear hair curly) and Tony and Guy (for straightening) — many men in my bathroom, hehe
5. Reviewing books because, you get to read the book, tell people what you think and keep the book 🙂 Books and shoes are my things at the moment they fighting for dominance in my bedroom.
6. knowing that it is only 15 days till I get my husband back, feels like forever ago that he was selected for detective training and we had to adjust to a year apart now its almost time to start annoying each other again 😉