2 Broke Girls- LOVE THEM

My current TV obsession is 2BrokeGirls, LOVE IT LOVE IT
Not only because the people playing Max and Caroline, Kat Dennings and Beth Behrs are super cute (see below) But because the show is so funny! funny! inappropriate and super funny! (see below’er)


Max: Oh my God, you have a shoe rotisserie!
Caroline: I designed it. I call it my Ferris Heels.
Max: I’d judge you if that wasn’t exactly what I’d call it if I had one.

Caroline: Sushi! I hope you like crabroll.
Max: I never had sushi.
Caroline: That doesn’t even make sense.

Max: But the name sucks a big one! Homemade? It sounds like home-schooled. Like we’re churning out cupcakes that aren’t comfortable around other people.

Caroline: I smiled, and bent over backwards giving them service all for a dollar and forty-seven cents? This makes me the lowest paid hooker in New York.

Caroline: What’s the interest rate on your credit card?
Max: Dunno. My interest rate in this conversation is zero.

Max: So what, is she still your girlfriend?
Johnny: Max it’s complicated.
Max: What are we on Facebook?

Han: Max, why did you kick out the hipsters?
Max: Because I cannot be in the background of another Instagram photo!

Oleg: Fifty dollars for a hamburger? For that much money, it should eat me first.

Max: I kissed Johnny
Caroline: What?! When?
Max: He came by the apartment right after you left.
Caroline: I was only gone twenty minutes. What did you do, shine a bat symbol on your vagina?

Caroline: I also learned she’s a dancer, her lip gloss is from Kiehl’s, and she’s school chums with Adele.
Max: Not THE Adele! Damn, could she be any cooler? I want her to be my girlfriend. I wouldn’t break up with her for me.

Max: You’re not my type anyway! You’re a bartender who’s close to liquor all night, and you’re not an alcoholic. So, clearly, you don’t know how to seize an opportunity.

Sophie: Stop, this is not dental school interview, this is scrubbing toilets, in or out?
Caroline: We’re in, all the way.
Max: In my experience, when someone has to tell you they’re all the way in, you better hope their tongue works.

Caroline: Earl, does she look like a hooker.
Earl: I don’t like to judge a book by its cover. But if she was a book, she would be the kind that other books paid for sex.

Detective: He lived alone, been dead two weeks
Max: Cats eat his face?
Caroline: Max! Can you not be so dark?
Max: Kittens eat his face?

Max: It’ll be fun. Just think of it as a middle school sleepover.
Caroline: With Drugs
Max: Yeah, a middle school sleepover.

Earl: Why Johnny, if it isn’t the famous street artist.
Johnny: I’m hardly famous.
Earl: I know, my comment was laced with sarcasm.



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