![](http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSlLS771--CLl_AIVJ7mA5K9gLrYPyjcSYBHjigZSfQY-i0YALVOg) |
knowabouthealth.com |
I am currently in soooo much pain it’s not even funny, i feel like I’d like to stick my head into a tub of cold water, yogurt anything cool 🙁
Had a family day yesterday which meant swimming and spending time in the sun. I went covered in a kaftan, wearing a hat and sunscreen, and when I got home I was feeling fine, nothing wrong with me, I even lectured my sunburnt sister on the importance of wearing sunblock, then I woke up this morning looking like my face was auditioning to be rudolf’s nose, everything (esp. my lips) are red,sore and swollen! and I’m quite ready to cry actually. OUCH!
I tried covering up with make-up, but it’s not really working as you can see…
![](https://i2.wp.com/4.bp.blogspot.com/-BfNyL9je5BU/TtxoOHZp8fI/AAAAAAAABOU/hHEIHpv9owI/s320/sad.JPG?resize=320%2C240) |
not my finest hour |