6months!!! Whoop Whoop!

Aidan is now a 6month old! Wowzer! Sadly my update comes with only this bad quality pic…I blog from my phone which has decided to opt out of doing anything helpful…As dying when someone takes a pic, is not helpful

Here is this month’s catch up;

APPEARANCE: Aidan is a big boy with wavy/curly hair that is loooong in some places and nonexistent in others. His eyes seem to be a dark hazel that changes and he is looking a lot like my dad these days, well a mix of his dad and mine

PERSONALITY: He is such a delight this child, always laughing and chatting and wanting to play (most games end with toy get into my mouth) He is quite “empathetic” and cries if any other baby cries. He moans after toys sometimes and wants to just touch EVERYTHING!!! Its becoming increasingly difficult to hold him

ROUTINE: He is awake much of the day now and if he is not racing around in his walker, throwing things off his high chair or trying to crawl, shame he really wants to crawl but cant seem to get arms and feet going at the same time

LOVES: Activity, and people and chatting and touching everything , we are baby proofing like crazy now

DISLIKES: Bed time and being restricted

MOM: Can’t believe her luck

my lil model :)

When an amazing photographer asks to take pictures of your baby for her portfolio the answer is a resounding YES! Davene Prinsloo Photography specialises in weddings, but Davene is branching out into my passion – kiddies photography – and was looking for a model, so we jumped at the chance…oooh Aidy is a shmodel and I’m a stage mom, watch out toddlers and tiaras I KID I KID…But pictures came out stunning!!!! THANKS DAVENE!
You guys can actually win your own amazing photoshoot with her as she is running a competition to win a photoshoot to the value of  R700 (information below) also go check out her blog  fbpage or website

Our little socialite

Aidan seems to have a busier social calendar than I do these days…here are some pics from recent birthday parties he was invited to:
*my friends have stunning kids don’t you think. The parties were so cute and  Lyndall (Gia’s mom) Yolande (Sam’s mom) and Jill (Levi and Madi’s mom) paid  attention to every detail…very pinable guys 😉

Aidy is Five Monkeys old

Aidan is 5 months old today (It’s also his dads birthday, what a lovely coincidence) I can’t believe how he has grown, it’s crazy to think he was this frail lil thing just 5 months ago, God has truly blessed us:
Here is this month’s catch up 🙂

Appearance: My baby is so big now!!! it’s crazy!! he has dark curly hair and light brown/hazel/green eyes [apparently they should settle on a colour any day now-baby books tell me] At the last weigh in he was 7.9kg this is no petite lil man.

Personality: Aidan is such a chatterbox…He will merrily chat away for ages and expects a reply from you…seriously he is THAT loud kid in the room. He is also really busy and is always trying to free himself from your grip…not sure what he thinks will happen once he is”free” as he can’t sit unsupported yet, let alone crawl or stand.

Routine: Aidan is always tagging along to malls and so forth in one of his strollers (his grandad bought an extra one because ours was apparently cumbersome) He especially loves nature so going for a walk is always a winner. We have the bath and massage thing down now and provided I distract him enough he can even get dressed without much fuss, but two weeks ago he was sick and I let him sleep in our bed BAD MOVE because we can’t get him back into his room now….oops! Save me from stiff neck from not wanting to disturb him and a baby who things he is sleeping in a midnight buffet

 LIKES AND DISLIKES: On doctors orders we started him on “solids” [I had hoped to wait till 6months but with reflux and him being a big boy doctor suggested sooner] He LOVES eating, and will grab food with his hand to shove in his mouth…Biggest problem with feeding is that he is so busy and will try to grab spoon from you and knock bowl out of your hand….His DISLIKES seem to be people raising their voices too much, he doesn’t like shouting, funny as he does it so often himself

MOM: I wish I had more down time with him, feels like all the time we have together is spent sterilising bottles, making baby food, bathing and putting to bed and on weekends there are just so many errands to run. This is why I am making a conscious decision to just hang out with him…

Prince and princesses for the day

This past weekend we attended a very novel event…high tea but for the littlies, Taylor’s pre-school hosted it and she was allowed to bring a friend, she chose her “cousin” Kirsten. Each table at the “high tea” was decorated to a different theme and the kids dressed up to match. Kirsty and Tay were at the princess table and asked if I could bring Aidy along. I did and thought it would be fun to dress him up too…out comes his tuxedo onsey MUCH CUTE! Everyone had such a blast…see pics J