Unplugging at Mentors Country Estate

So this weekend a group of friends descended on a wedding venue with their kids in tow to show engaged couples what their lives would REALLY be like.
We fed the kids sugar and let them run wild and think we broke up at least three engagements as we were sure to fight about who left the towel on the floor in full view of the loved up couples…

In all seriousness though this past weekend Rob, Aidy and I accompanied our good friends on a weekend away to Mentors Country Estate in Jeffreys Bay Although it is known as a premier Eastern Cape wedding destination the venue ended up being just what eight exhausted adults and their brood of seven little ones needed.

Each couple had a bedroom with en-suite bathroom, there is a pool on site, two play areas, and for some reason, loads of animals.

Here is some pics from an awesome, well deserved, really needed weekend with great friends:

Def not the last time we do this!

The other long distance relationship

I’m feeling kinda sentimental tonight, a good friend is moving to another city soon and so is my sister-in-law and I’m just like HEY STOP EVOLVING I’M GONNA MISS YOU.

My sister-in-law and I come across as extremely different people, mostly because she is like almost 2m tall, a model and doesn’t speak much, but from day one she had my back and I love her for that. She’s not the most open of people, but she always makes me feel like my opinion matters and I’d be lying if I said I won’t miss her. I also know that my son will definitely miss his aunt Mandy, he is quite taken by her. 
I know the move is great for her, and just what she needs, but we are finally really connecting and it’s just a little sucky (for me) 

Just as sucky as my good friend Sal leaving , yes we haven’t seen each other as often as we liked because, life, but I loved having the option. Yes, we can stay in touch on social media and what not (kinda like we have been) but I’m going to miss her razzle dazzle, how nothing with her is ever just plain and simple, breakfast for dinner is a three course affair and she has a way of putting you straight when you feel sorry for yourself, you know those,”but did you die”, friends. I just feel like, “come you don’t go” I’ll find a babysitter and we can dance till the early hours like we used to *sigh* sorry for taking you for granted.

You know how after high school you lose a bunch of friends and you promise to stay in touch and you do, at first, but life happens and new friends and new interests happen and you become *somebody that you used to know* (totally singing that right now)

I seem to be going through a second mass exodus of people close to me, Clay you totally started it, then Danelle, Tulz, Durelle, Neo, Trudy, Yolande.

But here’s the thing, I just realised it’s not like high school because  when you are older you value people more. For instance, I really do stay in touch now, distance has meant we have had to try harder. You tend to take people for granted when they are are close by, you are all, “arg we will catch up some other time” because it’s not like you are far away, there is always tomorrow.

When they leave and you really miss them so when they come into town you best believe you will make a plan, or spend hours on the phone or chat till the middle of the night or wake them up because you have no concept of international timezones (sorry Danelle).

Okay I’m going to stop being a selfish biatch now and wish my two newest fledglings well, I know for a fact the move was amazing for my other friends and I know it will be for them…and bonus HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION, (kidding, not kidding)

Love you and all the best 🙂
Also to the friends close by, I’m feeling needy so be afraid, very afraid …. hehe

Happy Birthday Honey

Today is my friend’s daughters birthday… what makes this birthday different you might ask…Well:
My friend and I were pregnant at the same time actually due the exact same day this was in 2012.
But then Logan passed away and left room for so many emotions. I still remember her heavily pregnant standing under a tree at his funeral.
Today is that friend’s daughter’s birthday and at the back of my mind it will always tug at my heart strings, he should be here too, they should be playing together and things should just be different you know!
But at the same time she gives me this weird feeling of heart peace, like when I see her even if it is just a picture, I have a connection to him. I kinda know “okay this is the stage he would have been now” and that way he sorta lives on.
I know it sounds all kinds of self serving and strange, but a grieving heart is a selfish thing it looks for anyway to mend itself, to feel okay for a minute.
Her and Aidy have hit it off since their first meeting when he was still a “baby baby”. She automatically goes into big sis mode, too cute.
The little girl is stunning like her ex-model mom and a bubbly peoples-person like both her parents, she is such a joy to be around and although they are actually moving over the seas soon, I hope that she will always be part of my life…
I’m soooooooo cyber stalking them!!! “SKYPE ME SKYPE ME SKYPE ME, hehehe


Happy Birthday Bestie

Happy birthday to someone who has been there when I was at my best and when I was at my worst…your friendship means the world to me!
Happy Birthday OLD friend (yes 30 is muuuuch older than 28-even if its just a month till 29)

2014 ready or not here we go :)

So today is all about new beginnings, no not new years resolutions and such, more like a genuine, not likely to be tweaked – like I do new years resolutions…“new start”

It’s a bitter sweet day, sweet because today I start a new job, well new position more like it…promotion baby! hehehe 
 and bitter because after 10years of studying and working with my  bestie, Robyn, she has opted to follow her dream and become a teacher and today is her first day of not working with me. Also sad that another good friend, Neo, left the city for a job in her home town-so I’m feeling ever so slightly sorry for myself. Because the selfish part of me will miss them terribly and doesn’t see why I have to suffer so they can have better lives and  follow their passions and what not, hehehe….I kid I’m very happy for them and wish them all the best!
But it’s the end of an era so to speak…
We went out on Tuesday for NYE to party it up an usher in a new year of new beginnings, look who wore shorts….ME!!!!!!!
I hope that your 2014 is full of pleasant surprises J because those are the best surprises  HAPPY NEW YEAR
(Read as yesterdays post because I was not able to upload anything yesterday, not sure why)

All the best my friend, work will not be the same without you.
So proud of you for following your dream, you will be raking in those world’s best teacher mugs for sure 🙂