Category: interesting people
Real WAHMS of SA: Win with Raqual and RubyRose
Contact her at:
Now for the competition part…. Ruby Rose is offering one lucky winner a professional logo design! and another lucky winner gets a custom designed advert for Facebook specifically targeting their relevant audiences with a new exposure of about 4500 people!!!
You love us right now don’t you…. Just enter the competition below and comment which prize you would prefer. Logo or FB campaign then check in next Wednesday to find out who won 🙂
Real Wahms of SA: Vernita designs
When my youngest goes to primary school I hope to take on more work. I will be able to work longer hours during the day and maybe even less at night! The business should grow organically so hopefully in time I can take on people to help. Hopefully I will always be the one dealing with the clients and doing the design work because I love that.
Real Wahms of SA: Laura freelances
Today I feature Laura from Harassed Mom who also happens to be a happily harassed Wahm.
I have mentioned that I love her blog before, she was actually one of the “first well known blogger with a following and stuff” I got up the courage to ask for an interview last year… see HERE and she replied and was friendly and I hyperventilated and she let me do craft posts for BlogShareConnect,and I passed out and now I’m all , “I know that chick really! not really” (because I’m creepy and we have not really met in person). Laura has recently become one half of the SAmomblogs management team… here is her story:
Tell us about your family
We are a modern day Brady Bunch. David and I have been together for 6 years, married for 2. We have four children, Cameron, our resident over achieving teenager, Kiara is the creative tween, Jack is the fussy four year old and Emma, the toddler, rules the roost with an iron fist.
Why did you become a work from home mom
When I met David, the older two kids had just started pre-primary and I was realising that they actually needed more of my time than they did when they were babies. I was taking time off work weekly to make sports events, meet with teachers, transport them here and there. I told David it was my goal to be able to be there for them more and so we made a plan to make it happen.
What was the most unexpected part of becoming a wahm
Just how much I would love it. I have never really been one who enjoys not having control or not knowing what is going to happen and being a WAHM nothing is guaranteed, one month could be fantastic and the next month disastrous. I never knew I would learn to accept that and almost prefer it to a normal 9-5 office job.
What has been the hardest part
All the above. The financial uncertainty is probably the hardest part.
What is the most rewarding
Being able to do what I really love and be there for the kids. It’s not all picture perfect but I get it right more often than not and on those days I high five myself a lot!
What is your day like
Mondays and Wednesdays – Up at 6h00 (usually we are awake earlier) to make breakfast and lunches, 6h50 I drop off the middle two kids, 8h00 Yoga, 9h30 – 13h30 I work. (Emma’s nanny comes on a Mon, Wed and Fri). 13h30 – 16h45 is mom taxi time – school pick ups, dancing and swimming. I cook in between all of that – kids at home eat at 17h00. David is home about 18h00, heat eats. Cam gets fetched at 18h30, he eats. Emma goes down at 18h30, Jack down 19h30 and big kids at 20h00. We are usually in bed by then too if we don’t do some work, its usually when David and I chat and catch up.
Tues and Thurs – Emma goes to her granny so I after I have dropped the kids, I start working and then it’s the same routine as Monday and Wed from 13h30.
Fridays – Emma and I go to Moms and Babes at 10h45 – 13h00.
Tell us about your business
Right now I am a freelance writer/blogger. I am also spending a lot of time with Heather on SA Mom Blogs, which is doing really well.
Where did business idea and name come from
It just sort of happened. I have been blogging for years but after a few failed business attempts it was the one thing that remained constant and the income started increasing and led to other freelancing opportunities.
Where do you see it going
Hopefully I can secure a few big regular clients to keep me busy and Heather and I have great plans for SA Mom Blogs.
Real Wahms of SA; Marindi multitasks
Today’s WAHM came across my radar even before I started this series.
I was minding my own business on fb (I lie no one minds their own business on fb) when I saw a post about busy boards and thought OMW! awesome idea!
So I was rather excited when the mind behind the business agreed for me to ask her a few questions and was even more excited to learn she runs an online shop and does photography as well…so here goes; Today’s Wahm is Marindi Fourie
Tell us about your familyWe are a family of four. My husbands name is Gregory. He is a Granite and build in kitchens and cupboards design and installation specialist. We have two children. Kaitlynn our daughter turns 13 the 29th of october and Kaiden our son turns 3 the 15th of october.We live in Strand,Helderberg.
Why did you become a work from home momMy son was a sickly baby. He had to stay with me because he had no imunity to germs. He had all the big ones! Meningitus,Pharingitus,hand mouth and foot,fever fits just to name a few. I remember him getting four different antibiotics in one month! Since his adenoids and tonsils were removed on 18 months old, he is a lot healthier.I needed an income so I started an online shop on bbm and whatsapp in 2012. has been my job since then. I want to build it up again but so little time does not allow me to do this currently.
What was the most unexpected part of becoming a wahmAll the work is overwhelming sometimes, as a mom working from home I did not expect my family still thinking mom has to do Everything. I sometimes find myself doing washing and dishes and cleaning everyday as fast as possible so I can get back to business.
What has been the hardest partTime management. And a 2 year 11 month old that refuses to go to a daymother or school. Most nights I work untill 3am in the morning, sending emails or organising and building boards just to realise as I fall into bed that my husband does not have ironed pants to wear in the morning.Getting everything done in one day really takes #mompower!
What is the most rewardingBeing able to be around my soon to be 3 year old boy and 13 year old daughter everyday. I am very involved in their lives. And except for my daughter going to school during the day , my husband , my mom and I are the only ones involved in their upbringing. The other big reward in my life is to be able to bring in an income and buy a little extra for us.
What is your day likeI wake up at 6 to see my daughter off to school and my husband off to work. Because I only get in bed in the morning hours I then get back into bed, do an hour of marketing and only get up at 8-9, round the time my toddler wakes up. I then make sure we eat and get toys out for him to play with , the Busy Bee Board helps a lot to get through the morning hours. Inbetween working and teaching and talking to my toddler i wash one load of washing,fold,pack away,make beds, clean what i can see. At 1:30 i leave to pick up my daughter from school, get shopping done,library or whatever else needs to be done. We are normally back home by 4. My son then goes to sleep and my daughter does homework. I use this time to start dinner. Wash dishes hang washing fold the morning load and inbetween i answer emails and messages and facebook posts. Take orders and do marketing. My husband gets home anytime from 5:30-7:30. We eat together and chat about 10 min. Kids and us all take a shower after eachother. Our 12 year old goes to bed around 9 and we then start making board orders. Toddler goes to bed around 9:30-10. Then I put all my attention on Business whether its making boards, new advertising. Selling etc. I literally fall into bed between 2 and 4 in the morning!
Tell us about your business.I am a professional photographer, own bubblebar online shop and Busy Bee Boards for busy toddlers.
Where did the business idea and name come from.Busy Bee Boards started when I was out of ideas of what would keep my toddler busy everyday. He knows how The tv remotes works. He loves pick a boo and word and excell on my laptop. He plays pazzingo on my phone, he takes pictures with my phone. He plays candy crush on my tablet etc. He understands technology like he has been busy with it for years. He has things that makes noises. He builds legos and big blocks and pipe blocks, he has paint and dough and books galore. He has guns and musical instruments and small and big toys. A bike etc. And yet something was missing. So I made a busy board and whalla…. I can get on with building my business!
What sets you apart.I truly believe in my product! I use it myself. My son plays with his Busy Bee Board everyday and I have had compliment from people about how skilled he is in working with fine and small things. He holds a pen the way a grown up does, he draws this way, and many times i have overheard people pointing and saying look how he holds that pen. If you know your product and truly believe in it, then you will be successful.
Where do you see it going.I would like to pick up Bubblebar before Christmas again. With my photography ,i would like to become a birth photographer as my passion lies with newborns,babies,kids,maternity and family photography. I also enjoy taking portraits. For Busy Bee Boards I would like to grow into a fully functional 9-5 business. With employees and a factory. I would like to supply big toy shops and local supermarkets. That is my dream. Tired of technology and the many many plastic toys for kids? Get back to basics, get a busy bee board!
The real Wahms of SA – Lindsay on Faith
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand”