Category: me moment
Burn out in January? Really!?
The truth behind my #2015bestnine
I did a looking back post yesterday 🙂 and then noticed Instagram was doing some looking back of its own with the #2015bestnine posts, basically showing your most popular pics for the year – You can find yours here by the way – I checked out mine and decided to share the stories behind my #bestnine so here goes
I took this to show off my purple hair and new haircut. I have
grown to dislike that haircut (scissor remorse is real) and would
have liked more purple, less red, BUT I like the curl on this
All the selfies on my instagram page are to show off my hair
I am doing the natural hair thing and get pretty chuffed with myself
when I get it right. This is one of my first twist outs 🙂
it lasted like two hours – I have since got better
Another hair selfie, this was just a wash and go, also I look angry
I’m not angry, I just wanted a pic of my hair but didn’t have a
front facing camera… hahahaha
I want to add more products to the Oh!BoyKids range so tried
my hand at a large floor pillow and LOVED the results 🙂
Aidan didn’t want to pose for me but he is never too lazy to read so
I tricked him into “reading” and I snapped pic
The natural hair journey calls for quick thinking on bad hair days
This is one of the most daring head wraps I have ever tried, ever
The pictures are taken in a fast food place, because I have no shame
(Actually it was raining and we were basically only people there – also, no shame)
On Aidan’s second birthday I looked back on the amazing journey he has been through
I can still remember them telling me he needs to stay in NICU (where his brother died)
It was one of the scariest moments of my life and looking at him now you would never believe that
I love this Father’s day pic, I made these tops for Aidan and Robin and they loved it
There is something so adorable when it comes to the love these two have for each other
Rob hates being photographed though so all his pics on my instagram look like he is being all
Pensive and looking into the distance, truth is; I have to steal pics
This picture is hideous, hahahahaha… Why did you people like it up so much? huh huh
We had a blast though, a dirty, exhausting, blast
This is a rare sighting of me with my hair blow dried!!!
The real point of the pic was to show off my false lashes though
I even have lipgloss on… One day I shall be a real girl I promise, hahaha
My cousin took this when we took kids for dessert at Spur
I’m having tea… reminds me of that saying about healthy food at fast food places being like hugs from hookers …. you know you know
My crazy year in review
Activating survival mode
I actually feel quite guilty admitting how overwhelmed I’m feeling seeing as how the world is actually pretty much in tragic conflict.
Since my family is safe and none of my loved ones are living as refugees I should be feeling pretty blessed but I’m just feeling tired.
You see, Rob was admitted to hospital yesterday. The test results have revealed a severe bee allergy (OMW I cant lose my husband like that boy died in the movie My Girl that movie made me so mad/sad, why did no one warn me he was going to die…I digress) Rob is not at death’s door yet, he is just covered in welts and is extremely uncomfortable and in a lot of pain and breathing is tough. Also I miss him as he is staying for at least one more night.
A funny thing happens after years of marriage (almost 7 years now) you become unconsciously reliant on each other, even if a large part of you marriage was spent apart (when he was at police college).
It becomes deadly obvious when your routine is thrown out of wack. We do things pretty effortlessly; I pack a bag, he gets Aidy ready, he straps him in, I lock the doors. He does supper, Aidy and I pick up supplies at the shop. I do bath time he does bed time…
Even though he goes away with work the sudden leaving is quite different. We do things pretty independently but it’s usually with the other in mind… He does game night with Aidy so I can play squash and I do crafts when he jogs. After just one day I realise I don’t have him to wake me as he heads off to the early train, the water in the kettle is not boiling when I get to the kitchen and I didn’t have to prepare an extra lunch last night.
Last night he was not in the kitchen whipping up something and I didn’t get a message from him and Aidan to bring home milk and a lollies, I’m still tired from a HECTIC WEEKEND and have a bunch of orders to complete and products to review but without Rob that’s going to be tough (he keeps overly helpful – I cut it for you mommy – hands busy)
Thank God for amazing friends though; Last night two of our closest friends unexpectedly brought me supper and snacks for Rob and took Aidan out so I could make visiting hours despite missing the train.
I have extra shifts this week and am still promoting both business because I could do with the money…
I know things are going to be okay but joh! When your tired is tired you have to activate survival mode *yawn*
Thank Goodness for Monday
I had a doozy of a weekend (and Monday morning if you count being dressed for the rain while the sun beats down on me as I wait for the train which is running ridiculously late).
– I’m glad it’s Monday because it means the cleaning lady comes 🙂
On crazy busy weekends I’m not the most homemakerish (when am I ever) Aidan takes advantage of me being distracted by work by being extra messy. This is why the floor of his room looks like the war scene in the lego movie. The rest of the house is not far behind, he particularly loves to fill his play shopping trolley with various items in our house and drive them around. I stumped my toe on a tea canister this morning – need I say more.
We have been doing very well with the clean up after play thing but on crazy busy weekends the house usually takes the brunt of the attack.
– I’m glad it’s Monday because all doctors and things are open.
It looks like Rob is allergic to bees, here we were faffing over Aidan who got his first sting when Rob started breaking out… He went to emergency room and meds meant he couldn’t keep his eyes open for most of the weekend. Last night we thought he was finally better but during the night he became so swollen he is practically unrecognisable…so back to the Dr and thankfully this time without the weekend pay in.
Meanwhile we are running a bee holiday resort in our jacaranda tree and Aidan has been stung three times in two days … so not good.
– I’m glad it’s Monday because I finished an order list which looked impossible and now I get to give it over to customers 🙂 I had a lot to get done so I was expecting a bumper weekend. I didn’t expect to have emergency dental work done and then lose a whole day from feeling sick and drowzy due to to the injection though (my body never reacts well to that). I didn’t account for the heat getting to Aidan and him wanting mommy the whole time. Then when I pull an all nighter I am woken up by a husband who needed to be rushed to the hospital…So I was very glad (pleasantly surprised even) to see packages ready for delivery this morning.
-I’m glad it’s Monday because Aidan goes to school and can burn off some energy. He was so hyper this weekend I can’t even explain it…I can say that at some point someone came to the house looking for me. He heard his dad say I was in the shower so Aidan thought he would be nice and open the bathroom door to prove to them “mommy is in the shower” not sure who was more embarrased me or them! (Me it was me).
At some point I heard him use the full phrase OMG (repeating after TV in the next room) and when I told him it was not nice to say he asked if it was a bad word like Sh!t. I HAVE NO WORDS. Oh he was playing with Caleb when I noticed unhappiness. I asked him why Caleb was crying and reminded him to be gentle he then responded that he was gentle and only hit Caleb softly as they were playing boxing. NO WORDS
– I’m glad it’s Monday as I can restart the healthy eating thing; because somewhere between sewing my butt off (if only that was literal) running after a hyper kid who has too many questions (who is Santa’s family and why Christmas trees not Christmas flowers) and looking after a stubborn – I can do everything despite being too swollen to bend a finger – husband, I decides junk food was a good breakfast option and things went downhill from there.
– I’m glad it’s Monday because it means we have made it through a busy weekend unscathed.
HAVE A GOOD MONDAY ALL 🙂 do share your favourite part of starting a new week