Happy Birthday Honey

Today is my friend’s daughters birthday… what makes this birthday different you might ask…Well:
My friend and I were pregnant at the same time actually due the exact same day this was in 2012.
But then Logan passed away and left room for so many emotions. I still remember her heavily pregnant standing under a tree at his funeral.
Today is that friend’s daughter’s birthday and at the back of my mind it will always tug at my heart strings, he should be here too, they should be playing together and things should just be different you know!
But at the same time she gives me this weird feeling of heart peace, like when I see her even if it is just a picture, I have a connection to him. I kinda know “okay this is the stage he would have been now” and that way he sorta lives on.
I know it sounds all kinds of self serving and strange, but a grieving heart is a selfish thing it looks for anyway to mend itself, to feel okay for a minute.
Her and Aidy have hit it off since their first meeting when he was still a “baby baby”. She automatically goes into big sis mode, too cute.
The little girl is stunning like her ex-model mom and a bubbly peoples-person like both her parents, she is such a joy to be around and although they are actually moving over the seas soon, I hope that she will always be part of my life…
I’m soooooooo cyber stalking them!!! “SKYPE ME SKYPE ME SKYPE ME, hehehe


From baby to toddler – room redo

Despite having a sick and cranky baby on our hands we managed to finish Aidan’s room this past weekend. What do you guys think? He loves it especially the touch light which he can turn on himself and the ball pit I fashioned out of packing foam and patterned duct tape…A job well done I think, as my “client” couldn’t be happier:)
The new look room sorry about picture quality-I used the baby clothes on canvas his aunt made as wall decor and have a small little chalk board with his big bro’s name hanging from the bigger chalk board – I know the room looks a little crowded from this angle but it really isn’t 
Place for all his teddies and books-the front of this Murphy bed was looking scruffy so I updated it with denim duct tape
The play area-yes that is a pink pony next to the rugby ball , it  used to belong to my sister and kids are far less sexist than adults – The bed can fold up if he ever needs more play room
above his bed
Aidan and Taylor enjoyed the Club house-Aidan has since removed the club house sign and ate it…boys!
We got the cardboard house at Mr Price home ages ago because it was on sale and I knew we would find a use for it 
This is the ball pit I made using those foam boxes you get inside cardboard boxes when you buy appliances and patterned duct tape to make it look nice and keep it sturdy.
Not too sick to get up to mischief – I know I’m supposed to paint the house but thought it looked cute just the way it is

4 months!!!

Four months have gone by so fast and just yesterday I was holding Aidan and couldnā€™t believe how far we have comeā€¦ Here is this month’s catch up: APPEARANCE: Still not sure of Aidan’s eye colour but his hair has gone from slightly wavy to crazy curly, decided not to cut it, I like the idea of having a curly froā€™d little boy running around. Every day he seems to be looking less and less babyish and I can hardly believe it .

PERSONALITY: In the past month he has found his voice and loves to use it, he chats away to who ever will pay attention and has become such a little busy body. He is always wanting to play with the big kid and doesnā€™t seem to understand that he cant even sit unassisted yet.

ROUTINE: Since Iā€™m back at work he spends the day with my mom (with my dad having lunch at home much more often now) she is great with kids so we are super lucky. Rob and I try to do as much family things as possible on weekends and with Aidan it seems itā€™s mostly birthday parties, he is becoming such a little social butterfly

LOVES: Its so adorable that he actually plays with his toys now, especially this little bear which I secretly call gross bear ā€“ it is constantly covered in Aidanā€™s drool-he loves that thing and tends to ambush itā€¦Smile at the bear, hug the bear, nom nom nom get in my mouth silly bear. I think the bear might have magical properties as other little ones are always trying to trade Aidy for it. He also LOVES any book like thing, he gets sooo excited, hope this love of “the written word” lasts

DISLIKES: Much like his dad and granddad (my father) Aidan canā€™t stand being hungry or tiredā€¦a fuss will be made!

MOM: As for me, overwhelmed and loving it ļŠ (excuse the weird formating I can’t seem to adjust things today)

Maternity leave . . . Now what?

This is my last week at work before Iā€™m home for just over four months and the idea freaks me out. Iā€™m not referring to the late nights, the feeds and the screaming baby, NOPE, Iā€™m referring to the month before he gets here, the month Iā€™m scheduled to be home and REST! That freaks me out. I started working as soon as I turned 16, first doing various temp admin jobs and then in retail, I worked through holidays and during weekends and I have become accustomed to a week off here and a week off there, but never being able to do the long holiday thing with my familyā€¦and it was fine, work gave me a sense of purpose and gave my over active mind something to think aboutā€¦now Iā€™m set for a month of doing nothing! Everyone tells me I need it, that with my medical history itā€™s best for me and baby which is all good and well and Iā€™m willing to stay at home but THEN WHAT! What shall I be doing with my time?
The baby room is fixed up, his bag is packedā€¦what now? Repack his cupboard, reread the baby magazines, make lists for all the lists I have, freak out that every gas bubble could be indicating preterm labour?
Iā€™ve lined up some craft projects to help with my ā€œpending boredomā€ but Iā€™m just soooo exhausted and uncomfortable I canā€™t really do anything productiveā€¦my stomach is quite big (big baby, small torso does that ā€“ feel like a poodle pregnant with Great Dane puppies) and everyday tasks become quite the pain. Seriously canā€™t reach most things even when Rob isnā€™t watching me like a hawkā€¦So what now? What will I be doing while I wait for our lil babe to arrive? Blog I guessā€¦and annoy my mother šŸ˜‰
Have a great week guys . . . and wish me luckā€¦maybe this is Gods way of teaching me patience, I know I sure as heck need the lessons J

(PS. to the people who find it annoying when I’m not chipper 24/7, you can suck it šŸ˜‰ – because those that mind don’t matter and those that matter don’t mind)