The real Wahms of SA – Lindsay on Faith

It’s Wahm Wednesday around these parts but today is a little different, I had originally asked Lindsay to write a guest piece on faith but when I started the Wahm series I realised that she fit into this category as well, so instead of the usual Wahm interview, here is Lindsay chatting about her business (which is super cute printed kids clothes) under the banner of No Fear Just Faith…A mid week shake up 🙂 Also it’s her super cute son, Josh’s birthday today so send her love 🙂
Stepping out in Faith


I’ve always wanted to branch out and start my own little business, but I was never sure on how to actually get it started.


This dream started when I fell pregnant with my 1st born, I loved being on maternity leave, bonding with my precious baby and just being a Mom was perfect for me. Being able to celebrate week after week how he had progressed, ticking off his milestones, pure bliss. Not that it was an easy period at all, there was many other drama’s happening in the background and I had made the decision to be a Single Mom, really this was my first step of Faith, which was hard but due to circumstances it was safer and better for us, but us, my bond with my little boy kept growing stronger. During the period of his first year I took the next step of faith, I resigned from my job, which I had spent 5 years and stepped from the financial industry to the medical sector. Thankfully Admin work is similar no matter where you go. I was nervous, I was a single Mom but I knew I wanted to give my son the best I could.


“You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand”

Hillsong United, Oceans (My theme song)


I started 2 weeks after Dan’s 1st birthday and immediately felt like I was home. That is exactly what I needed to foster my creative mind for the next 5 years. I didn’t walk into a company, I was welcomed into a family . We’ve gone through highs and lows together, we lost people together and welcomed new babies into our families together.  Carl, bless his soul during this period had to listen to me babble on and on about starting a business.


After I had Josh this need, this deep desire flared up in full force. I envied the stay at home Moms, I envied the work from home Moms (Big props to you ladies and  some of the Dads, I know its hard and your hours are ridiculous and its not always fun but you’re present and that’s what I craved, to be present in their lives, more than I was), I so desperately wanted to be the Mom who can attend school events (during the day) and be actively involved in the boys education, and do play dates, and spend afternoons in the park while enjoying the sunshine. I wanted all of this, but I love my comfort zones and stability that comes with working for a stable company. But one day I will God willingly be there.


It was such a huge decision for me to leave my team, in March I took my next step of faith. I packed up my desk, I said my goodbyes and I left.


On 1st April 2015 I started my new job (thankfully still within the same company, just a completely different environment and a long drive to Stellenbosch daily).  Its amazing what working in a healthy and positive environment can do for you for ones soul. I felt recharged, my energy levels are back up and most importantly I’ve become a tad more positive.


Roll on August and we kicked it off with launching “Love Made Me”, the something small I’ve been wanting to do for forever, another BIG step of Faith. I really could not have done this without my Husband. I have said it before and will continue to say it, this man, knows my heart. He is my biggest supporter and fiercest critic. He motivates me to a point where I could possibly throat punch someone. But I know, at the end of the day he’s just pushing this comfort zone prone procrastinator into the right direction. See I battle with making decisions, and he loves making decisions. Perfect Team! I dream, he makes it happen and we build on it together.


You may ask why I chose “Love Made Me” as a name for our business, well this has been in my heart for so long, and through Faith and Love I was able to start my business.


I take nothing for granted, I am where I am because of God’s Amazing Grace (even have the tattoo to prove it) in my life, in our lives. This is special to me and I hold our new baby very close to my heart.


If you’re keen to see some designs or would like a custom made item then hop over to my Facebook Page “Love Made Me” or feel free to drop me a mail at and I will happily do my best to accommodate your needs.
Alternatively you can always see what we’re up to by following my blog, “ What Happened to my Body?where I try and share the good, the tough and the fun side of life and parenting while trying to embrace my lumps, bumps and wonderful post baby body. Having kids has changed every aspect of my life, and changed my body in so many ways but I rock my Mom rolls proudly!


The real WAHMs of SA – Mandy writes

I’m super excited today!
On Monday I thought, “hey, it would be so awesome to interview Work From Home Moms now that I have first hand experience in how crazy tough it is”…any work that needs to be done between changing your boss’s nappies, is going to be difficult me thinks.
I sent out a message into the social networking sphere asking if any moms would be willing to chat to me between their spa days and personal trainers (HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA they wish) between the school drop offs and stock taking rather, and the response was overwhelming.

Today  I start with Mandy from Pregnant in Cape Town and Ever After, I love her blog and her supermom series and was really thrilled that she agreed to chat to me…here is what she has to say.

The former PR exec whose hair makes Rapunzel jealous, works from home as a freelance writer with her bundle of joy Charly and like me she is lucky enough to have her mom help out with the baba


Tell us about your family.

Brett and I were married on our 7 year anniversary because we wanted to start trying for a family. One month later exactly we fell pregnant with our honeymoon baby 🙂 Charlotte Rose (Charly) was born a teeny weeny 3.19kgs on 10 February 2014. She is now a scary smart little action madam, who is happiest wearing a tutu and gumboots, running full pace and kicking a ball or “reading” a book out loud to anyone who will listen. My mom is an integral prt of our little family as she “works” for me by taking care of Charly 4 days a week from 8:30 – 3:30 (excluding nap time when Miss C only sleeps with me); we are incredibly lucky to have her here. The timing worked out perfectly as her company changed locations out of her range and I realised there was no way I could continue working at home while taking care of C on my own; so we made an arrangement that gives her the financial freedom to not have to go in search of a job and I don’t have to worry about my daughter for a second. Winning all around. Brett, Charly and I live in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town with our two cats, Trigger and Gizmo.

Why did you become a work from home mom?

I was headhunted a few short months before my wedding to work at incredibly busy PR agency. I adored the job and the people, and we worked incredibly long hours under intense pressure, which was fine at the time. I found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks and resigned a week later. The long hours and stress weren’t good for me or baby and I always planned to work from home when I became a mom. I am a writer first and foremost and one of my previous clients insisted they wanted to be my first client the second they found out I was freelancing, so they signed a retainer and I was officially a business owner with my own client getting paid to do what I love 🙂

What was the most unexpected part of becoming a wahm?

I love that I get to keep my mind stretched and engaged and I get to practice my writing and editing skills; and I am loving even more helping small businesses get out there and build their brands more effectively. I have always been incredibly dedicated and focused. At the same time, I love spending time with my daughter and knowing that she knows she always comes first. The unexpected part for me is how much I struggle to do both effectively at times; feeling like I’m never quite focused on one or the other. I have always been great at multitasking and splitting my focus without being distracted, but being a sleep deprived mommy seems to have messed with that superpower. While WAHMs definitely have many of the benefits of a SAHM and working mom, we also definitely have all the worst of both too.


What has been the hardest part?

Focusing enough to be able to deliver high quality work without falling asleep on my keyboard. Tied closely with balancing my time with big blocks of time taken up with my relationship with my baby. I stop no matter what the deadline or how engaged I am in the process, to visit with her if she needs it, to “come see mama”, to calm a bad tantrum, to give her kisses or play a game of hide and seek, to breastfeed her and settle her for her nap when she is ready between 11 and 12 and then I have to stay next to her until around 1:30 (because she wakes often to check if I’m there and won’t sleep if I’m not). I work on my phone so it’s not the end of the world, but it can be very disruptive.

What is the most rewarding part?

I don’t miss anything. I’m there for every milestone, every accomplishment, every new word, every nap, every giggle. Even if I’m in the next room I can get to her if she takes a fall or gets a fright or just needs her mommy. I am so lucky to have that. 


I also don’t work on Wednesdays. My mom can’t be here and I can’t work when she’s not here, so Wednesday is Charly and mommy day. I love that I can choose to do this and be there for her!

What is your day like?



Chaos 😀

Charly still wakes at least every 90 minutes all night, but she mostly (on a good day) only gets up for the day just before 7. We wake daddy and head downstairs about 7:30. While Brett makes me toast and coffee (yip, I’m that lucky) and Cs fruit and cold meat and sometimes toast; C and I cuddle a little. 

Once she goes into her highchair in front of Curious George for breakfast around 8, zombie mom drinks coffee and starts her work day by checking mails and messages online on her phone. 

My mom arrives at 8:30 and I head upstairs to my home office. I start with client work or PiCT posts (on feature days)nor deadline stories for other publications, and I do that until Charly demands a visit around 10:30. I stop for a cup of tea and a cuddle or a story, and then she plays with granny again until she comes and tells me it’s time for her nap. I then continue working on my phone, checking mails and usually writing for PiCT. 

At 1:30 my mom comes and sits with her (coz if she wakes then she has slept long enough), and I head down and prepare lunch for myself and sometimes Charly too bad if there is prep needed. If she wakes we eat together, if she doesn’t I go back to work around 2 and my mom feeds her after some mommy cuddles. 

From 2-3:30 I try to focus fully on PiCT work for my series or giveaways, the things that take research and contact and in depth writing. 

 It’s then mommy-Charly time from 3:30-4:45 when daddy comes home. Daddy spends about 10 minutes catching up with his girl and then preps dinner and puts it on bits then family time until around 6:30 when we sit down together and eat. 

Bathtime around 7, family story time and then I feed miss C to sleep. Once she’s out I log back into my phone and check my mail, social media platforms and do some writing.  
Sometimes there is some mommy-daddy time, other times we both work and yet other times I pass out right alongside Charly to start the cycle all over again 🙂

Tell us about your business.

I create content for businesses, everything from blog posts to journal columns to newspaper articles to website copy and advertorial and and and.. 

I also do some proofreading and editing if I find projects I am passionate about, like the awesome entrepreneur business advice book that just went to print 🙂

I am also passionate about helping small brands; particularly mom-owned businesses and blogs. I use my PR and Marketing experience, my love of consistency and attention to detail to help look at their brand identity and whether they are sharing the story of who they are and what they do effectively.

I have just taken on another big project, but that announcement is not quite ready to be made… I will be sharing it all soon enough 😉


Where did business idea and name come from?

The business idea was easy; I took what I was best at, looked at what parts of that I loved and focused on that. My blog has also given me the freedom to practice and stretch myself and my skill set and I am loving being able to use these new skills to help others.
Haha, since I am my brand I decided to keep the name simple as Mandy Lee Miller and I added a .com to make it official. I love my married name and all its Ms and Ls 🙂

What sets you apart?

I am not only passionate about what I do; I am exceptionally good at all of it. 


By focusing on what I love, I have been able to constantly improve and expand in specific areas, which means I don’t get bored and wake up every day excited to get going (even when I’ve had no sleep the night before). 


I also practice what I preach; I write and edit every single day for my own brand Pregnant in Cape Town & Ever After. I have also just done a complete brand review of my own and have seen phenomenal growth in a very short time. 

Where do you see it going?


I hope it stays exactly on track as it is! I love the direction I am growing, expanding more into parenting writing for other brand and I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about my new venture… No really, I can’t tell you no matter how much I want to!! It’s of the bounce up and down, squeeeeeee level of excitement though. 




A day in the life of a part time wahm

Since I am not in a traditional “work setting” on Thursdays and Fridays, Wednesdays are usually filled with comments like “It’s practically Friday for you”, “Oh my, you are so lucky” and the more loaded “Wish I was so lucky, but some of us have to work” I smile, I nod, I think; I had to sacrifice half a pay check for this you judgmental so and so and duh I need to work, I happen to work my arse off at not one but three jobs and a blog so you can go jump. I wanted to spend more time with my kid and I wanted to follow my dream of starting a brand so it’s sacrifice after sacrifice and I don’t judge your decisions so HUSH…
Sidebar: I’d be  very unpopular as a person if I ever lost the filter that turns that sentiment about judgmental so and so’s into a smile and the phrase “different strokes for different folks hey”

With this in mind I thought I’d tell you what my wahming (being a work from home mom) is like these days…

-Thursday morning I cuddle into bed with my angelic two year old as the sun streams in through our favorite tree, the nanny takes him to sort him out for school and such and I go to yoga, before popping off to the spa, I get home to freshly squeezed organic vegetable juice and quickly pop in to see how my workers are doing on the spring collection I’m very excited to bring out.
I log onto the net and surf for a while then come out to my beautiful little cherub eating his lunch neatly at his table. We then put on our matching running shoes and take a walk through the park, I do another quick check in on workers and then Rob comes home and we have a healthy balanced meal that magically appeared in my pristine kitchen and then, I wake up and my real life starts…

– Actually on Thursday mornings I wake up at 6.15 (incidentally that is sleeping in for me because we are usually in the car on our way to work then) I get ready and then wrangle an unresponsive toddler out of bed.
He tries every trick in the book to not go to school, like hiding his shoes, faking injuries and emotionally blackmailing me by telling me school makes him sad, can he stay with me as I make him happy…
 I get him into his car seat and then drag him into the school building where he cries, goes limp and acts like I’m leaving him as a sweat shop, I hardly leave the driveway and he is merrily playing with his friends.
Then it’s get home, and do some blog admin over a hearty breakfast of whatever is quickest, usually coffee and a fruit. Then it’s admin for Oh!Boy… I take and make orders on a weekly rotation so it’s quick stock take before I’m off to material shop for supplies and back home to get as much sewing done as I can before I have to pick up Aidan -I try to fit in some form of exercise around this time too.
Then I bring him home, make him a balanced critic approved lunch, beg and plead with him to eat it, then give in to yet another, Provita, apple and yogurt meal.
 He then wants to watch some TV, usually one episode of Mickey Mouse Club House followed by one other show about some kid who seems to be without their parents all the time like Dora, Jake and so on – I use this time to do some more sewing.
After TV we do a mom and me activity like crafting, play dough, play in nearby park for a hour or so, then we get back home and I hope Rob has something he is dying to cook or wants to buy because if not I have to cook with a toddler dying to “help you mummy”.
I then set Aidy up with a puzzle, colouring activity, books, blocks and get some work done, he often ends up by Ma (my mom) after this to pick up his cousin/brother Caleb who he would have asked for quite a few times by now…
They go off, I evaluate how much I have done and how much needs to be done…
Rob comes home we do the usual family time, bath time, bed time thing and if I didn’t do enough to my liking I let them sleep and finish up.
On Friday I do it all over except that I have early morning Gifts&Goodies meeting with my partner Jill where we touch base, shop and create till I need to pick up the Tyke. On crazy days I bring him with me back to her place where he plays with her kids; 4-year-old Madison and 3-year-old Levi, they almost ALWAYS fight and one always cries, but they can’t get enough of each other either… so yes my life is all  LUXURY BIATCHES!!! jealous much 🙂

I’m not complaining though, we all get annoyed when our life decisions are questioned but I’m happy, I have always been the type that needed to be doing different things at the same time to truly relax and be me… I thrive on the crazy and things have been really crazy but I love it, honestly 🙂 apart from maybe a nice cash injection, I wouldn’t change my life for anything right now.

Win a girls night in package!

You can win this!!!

So I have mentioned Gifts&Goodies before, but don’t think I ever shared what it is we do…
Basically me and an equally “must create things or perish” kind of friend started a gift and activity box service, we make gifts for people who want to show they care but are not sure how…
Here are some of our more recent orders 🙂

For an anniversary, photo frame with pictures from their lives together not pictured

A treat for a special mom

A unique birthday gift

A romantic craft together set

A care package for someone going through chemo

A treat for a mom to be

Father’s day braai set

A spa treat for two

0814362334 (Ella) 0823146751 (Jill)
As a thank you to our customers we are giving away this pretty cool girls’ night in package
You get; four friendship bracelets, popcorn and four containers,  four all natural foot soaks and a copy of Magic Mike what is not to love 🙂 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So what have I been up to?

You all know how I love to feature different people on the blog, a while before I did my No Fear Just Faith series, I did a series on local entrepreneurs, I thought that since I am one now I could answer the same questions for you all…

Besides, people are always asking me, “so what are you up to these days?” the real answer is, I’m a freelance writer [If anyone needs writer, you know where to find me :)] I sew and design for my online store Oh!Boy and I create for a business called Gifts&Goodies which I run with my friend and fellow creative, Jill.

Other questions include
Do you like being at home? It’s the heart of winter so heck yes! and it’s nice to have more time with Aidy, I also adore my little studio/office 🙂
Will you go back to an office setting? In the future I definitely might, right now  if someone offered me half day or 3/4 days a week, I’d probably jump back into my stilettos faster than you can say, office hours, (I do miss people) but I’m happy creating things, really happy, so I’m not complaining… and orders are really coming in which is awesome, I just finished packing 24 fathers day packs [that’s not counting the ones Jill packed] for Gifts&Goodies and have to sew 12 items for Oh!Boy so I’m feeling extremely blessed 🙂

The questions I usually ask:

Tell us a little about yourself?
Don’t feel like I need to answer this one, hehe, I have an about page 😉

Where does your business name come from?
Oh!Boy comes from a baby shower theme we had for a friend 🙂
Gifts and Goodies, comes from a lot of back and forth and settling on something that says it all

How did it come about?
Since I was little I always had this dream of having a shop/brand/business I just recently thought,it’s now or never, I also make a lot of things for Aidan and thought why not branch out and do a line of boys accessories…I’ve been sewing since I was about 11, so it was just a matter of time, hehehe …
With Gifts and Goodies; you guys know I love making things for people, my friend Jill as well, I’ve been doing this on a small scale (gifts, party favors) for ages and so has she (date boxes, gift) so we sort of joined forces. 

How do you decide on products? (Oh!Boy)I kind of go with what I want or wanted for Aidan…mostly I play it by ear as well. (Gifts&Goodies)We knew what we wanted to do, the categories I mean, and from there we work with clients, we just started really, as in last week, so far it’s just been a Father’s Day special….with more to come

Do you design yourself?
(Oh!Boy) Yes. I’m not reinventing the wheel with kids scarves and bowties, but everything has me in it.

Where do you draw inspiration from? In both cases by looking at what people want and PINTEREST I’m also one of those people who look at one think and instantly think how it could work as something else, that helps.

How long does it take to finish an item? The first of everything takes forever!!! but once I get going it really depends on the project, keep in mind I need to watch Disney Junior and play make believe in between as well 😉

What to you is a job well done? Someone appreciating the gift or actually using an item … Got a message that a kid I made a snood for refuses to take it off, that right there warms my heart
What are your dreams for your business? I want a little store!!! one day is one day guys 🙂

Thanks for indulging my little self interview, hehehe


Oh!Boy…It starts

Painted bow ties in kiddies and baby sizes

I usually have crafts/DIY on a Wednesday but today is different… If you were looking for a craft I was featured on Thingstodowithkids  making busy bags so do check it out….

I don’t have a craft today, but what I do have is great news…
I’ve been really busy making things for my new online store Oh!Boy and it’s crunch time:)
Oh!Boy is an accessories line for little boys, because when I first got pregnant I felt there was not too much in the way of “quirky and different” when it came to little boys things… everything was very plain or girl orientated and the very trendy things are so popular and far in between that your kid inevitably looks like everyone else…
I started making things for Aidan and people often ask me about his bow ties, scarves and hats so that’s what I’m offering as a start…
Hand painted bow ties
Quirky printed bow ties
Snoods/eternity scarves
And peak beanies
…….at the moment my office/craft studio is constantly busy with me sewing,painting and don’t forget freelance writing…it’s been crazy but I am loving it 🙂

*Please wish me luck! and order! okay? I’m counting on you 🙂 

don’t you just LOVE the packaging, candy jars 🙂
Two of my favourites
My craft desk at any given moment… Organised chaos I promise (I have a separate writing desk, but sometimes things overlap)
So many possibilities