Day four of challenge (wants)

So I’m supposed to think of 7 wants, depending on the day that is wayyyy too many or wayyy to little, I think today is a too little day. . .

1. I want to always be the person friends and family know they can rely on (without taking advantage of me, mind you)

2. I want to be the person Rob sees when he looks at me and I want to love myself like I know he loves me (hearing him beg me to “stay with him” while I was in theatre and seeing doctors have to physically drag him from my side will always haunt me)

3. I want Rob to realise how amazing he is (without getting cocky and thinking he can hit on random women without me smacking him)

4. I want a brain that does not have a million thoughts running through it daily, it’s noisy up there and can be distracting

5. I want to be financially stable enough to say, hey lets go to *some exotic location* for the week and it not be sarcasm

6. I want to be best friends with my partner years down the line, just like my parents are

7. I want to always think before I speak because that whole. “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me” thing is a loud of nonsense, WORDS HURT!

One thought on “Day four of challenge (wants)

  1. Odette says:

    I completely agree with you on number 7, that phrase is completely untrue, but I can tell you always put a lot of thought and emotion into your blog posts and your comments. I cannot recall any of your posts being negative or hateful. Take care.

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