day4: Things that cross my mind

Seven things that cross my mind alot

This one is tough Im one of those people who always have a million thoughts in their minds…but here goes nothing…

1. Why are people so stupid-why do they say such hurtful things…I hope I’m not that stupid, If I was I hope people know I didnt mean to be

2. Why does my dad keep interupting me when I talk, if the conversation even hints at not being upbeat he just changes the subject, he’s been doing this for a while as a way to keep me from being sad I guess, but it’s getting super annoying

3. Am I in the right career, infact, what should I be doing with my life? is this it? I don’t know if I’m ok with this being it

4. Which statement is true, “God uses bad things in your life to test you” or “Bad things happen despite God’s involvement, but he is there to help you out”

5. Why am I so TIRED!!!!

6. Will I ever be in shape again, I know round is a shape, but it’s not my favourite

7. Why do bad things happen to good people and why do some people seemingly float through life on a bubble of goodluck?

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