EYE can’t see clearly now

My glasses; they do not usually have pictures on, but I do often forget them πŸ™
Pity as this means I am practically blind now – going to have to get contacts to alternate both the wearing and the forgetting

So today I’m bitching and moaning, because I can and because I’m annoyed. I forgot my glasses at home so I’m walking around in this odd, uncomfortable blur which has made me somewhat sea sick. Also I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed maybe, which is quite difficult if you consider I woke up so slowly this morning, I swear I felt each cell wake up individually, SUPER LAZY. Then I stood in mirror staring at myself thinking, “you really should get dressed or brush hair or something” and half an hour later I did.
Anyway I ended up forgetting my glasses (dunno what I thought the not seeing thing was all about) so here I sit on my own personal fun fair ride where everyone more than two desks away look like they are in those blurry mirror things.
But it’s Friday and I bought a ridiculous amount of sweeties today and I’m hooking up with high school besties tonight so I shall cheer up soon enough, I HOPE πŸ™‚
PS. Fashion coming shortly

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