I’ve got awesome news! For the next four weeks we have someone who specialises in Biokinetics ready and willing to answer our questions 🙂
You know those health and fitness questions you were never sure who to ask like, what activity should I be careful of after an injury or how can I increase fitness within my own limitations. Damian of Damian Zealand Biokinetics promises to answer to the best of his abilities and tell you whether you would benefit from biokinetics.
Damian (who I met when he was practically a baby because I went to school with his sisters and would see him at events and play dates…) is pretty awesome, he is a nice guy who has truly found his calling. In his twenties the father of a gorgeous little boy has gone from intern, to partner to owning his own practice in record time… I asked him a few questions so you could get to know him a little better.
What is Biokinetics?
Biokinetics is final phase rehabilitation through exercise prescription. Usually if an injury or condition exists, and the physio has finished his or her rehabilitation with the patient, the biokineticist should then take over, and start with getting the patient fully functional while still keeping the constraints and limitations (both physical and psychological) in mind. So, if a physio restores a patients’ range of motion, reduces swelling and their pain, following a knee operation, the biokineticist will then take over and strengthen to the point of full function.
Who is Damian Zealand?
​Small town guy with a global and metropolitan mindset hungry for ever-changing information to better myself and my surroundings​. My passion and love for my job, sports, life and most of all family and friends need to ooze out of my being on a daily basis.
How did you get into this?
​Well, I applied for physiotherapy directly out of school, and didn’t get accepted. I then went with my second choice of BSc Sport science. I ‘ve gotta say that that must’ve been the best thing that God put on my path. Its the typical…If one door closes another opens.
After completing an honours in Biokinetics, I did my internship at what was Christelle Smit Biokinetics​, then became her managing bio…then partner, and now owning Damian Zealand Biokinetics.
After completing an honours in Biokinetics, I did my internship at what was Christelle Smit Biokinetics​, then became her managing bio…then partner, and now owning Damian Zealand Biokinetics.
What does Damian Zealand Biokinetics specialise in?
I specialise in orthopedic rehabilitation and hydrotherapy.
What does a working day look like?
​Getting up at 4.30am to start at about 6.30am (people need their daily dose of biokinetics before work) and work till 6pm. The patients will vary in conditions (Both chronic conditions and orthopedic conditions), and the type of rehab will differ (land based vs water based – hydrotherapy). So in short…literally ANY physical ailment can be seen and treated.​
​Other than the specialized rehab, there’s also running the business and making sure admin is up to date. So being your own boss means that you’re the HR guy, the I.T. guy, the operations manager and at times the reception!​
What is the most common misconception of biokinetics?
​That we’re physiotherapist or glorified personal trainers!!!​
How can you help plebs like us trying to regain our fitness levels
Well, you gotta come to the practice and see for yourself! But you’re guaranteed scientific exercise programs.​
( If you have any queries you think he could help with please email me at edouglasmeyers@gmail.com )