Gift ideas: Cuteness overload with PetitAmi

Ready for a cuteness overload?
In continuing my locally sourced gift idea series, I stumbled across the CUTEST little crocheted plushies , Seriously looks like little North West would be clutching one of these on a play date with Blue Ivy….. (except the prices are affordable for us mere mortals, hehe)

I asked the designer/maker/mind behind the idea a few questions, here is what Justine had to say 🙂
Tell us a little about yourself?

I’m a stay-at-home mom to a busy, happy, little two year old and a wife to a wonderful husband. I love being a mom, but I also have a passion for all design and art.  I completed an architectural degree and worked for a couple years as an architectural technologist.  When I became a mom I decided to stay at home and discovered my passion for crocheting. 

Where does your business name come from?

Petit Ami, which is French for ‘little friend’, was inspired by my mother who is French. It is a sweet name for a little creation that often becomes a little ones cuddly little friend. 

How did it come about?

After teaching myself to crochet, I decided to tackle a pattern to make a little bunny for my daughter. I then made one for my niece which led to my sister-in-law ordering some for her friends! From there I began developing my own patterns and so my business began. 

Why these cute plushies?

 I enjoy creating something which brings so much joy to little ones. I also love the fact that I’m creating something with my own two hands, and love that each little creations ends up being unique. 

Do you design yourself?

 I started working from patterns which where created by some amazing designers. But most of my creations are now my own patterns or inspired by other patterns. 

Where do you draw inspiration from?

 A lot of my inspiration comes from other crochet toy designers. I also get inspiration from customers who ask me to create something unique. 


How long does it take to finish one?

On average it can take about a day to complete one little creation. 

          (Ella : HOW ON EARTH , it takes me a week to crochet a flower, I’m jealous)

What to you is a job well done?

It is when I see the joy and delight on a customers face, and when I hear that my creation is loved and appreciated. 

What are your dreams for your business?

My goal is to grow my brand, continue creating new toys and expand my range. 

Where can people get hold of you?

They can visit and message me on my facebook page, or email me at

Justine Geminiani
Petit Ami❤️

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