Good Morning, well not good per say, but morning anyway
Had the most eventful morning, woke up quarter past YOU NEED TO BE AT TRAIN STATION when my mom called to ask if I’m not going in today, been off sick for two days.
I rushed around to get ready, but still needed to take a taxi, no not a cab/town car a 16 people tightly squeezed together with no ventilation taxi.
I don’t usually mind but the taxi  was bouncing all over the place making me wish I had on a sports bra, I swear the driver thought he was playing a video game and each pothole was 500 points.
The guy next to me thought my typing on my phone was a spectator sport and the lady on my other side kept grabbing my thigh when we went over a pothole AWKWARD.
Then the taxi ended up going NOT where I had planned. CRAP I’m in the wrong TAXI!!!!!!!!! luckily the driver was just happening to go my way in the end… not a good way to start your morning
But now I’m at work and things are getting better *rolling eyes*

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