Happy Valentine’s Day

 Like many many others today my Valentine’s Day is set to include a couch, snacks and the TV. I’m not pro or con Valentine’s Day, I love chocolate and flowers as much as the next person, but to be honest I prefer them as an everyday treat not just to celebrate the death of a lovesick saint, hehe.
This Valentine’s day is kinda sad because yet again I’m away from the husband, also two people very close to me are suffering from broken hearts and as much as I “don’t care” about the symbolism behind today, I think breaking up the weekend before V’day is really sad.
I always think things will work out though because I’m a firm believer in if it’s meant to be it will be, so on Valentine’s day I wish everyone a happy heart not only today, but in general and try not to over think things because if you do you end up believing, Beauty and the Beast got together because of Stockholm syndrome, Prince Charming has some explaining to do to Cinderella and Snow White and you can only be happy if you get a tiara. Truth is love comes in all shapes and sizes, so today hug the one who gives you love, regardless of who or what you’re into 😉
PS. here are some pics of me and my Valentine: 

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