So I can’t stop eating, seriously I’m never not hungry!!!
After supper last night, a big packet of ghost pops mysteriously disappeared (into my tummy) along with a third of a slab of chocolate (only cos the hubby hid the rest on my order) this after I came from a tea party for my God daughters baptism where I ate a bunch of snacks (can you believe I didn’t take pictures of Zoey! so dof as I’m the same person who takes pics of what I ate)
I seem to be eating all the time…no wonder the online BMI calculator calls me Overweight, I don’t think I’m OVERWEIGHT man, that seems a bit intense, like I need to pay for two seats on a plane.
At most, I’m pleasantly plump (except when I’m on a scale or in a bikini when I’m tear enducingly plump).
Anyone who has read more than two of my blog posts knows that I have been fighting to come to terms with not being a size XS anymore, I know there are way bigger problems in the world and my tight jeans doesn’t even come close to “real problems”.
And even though my arms are a little flabby, they still work and even though my calves are too big to allow me to wear the boots I want, my legs carry me around pretty well, but it’s still hard to look in the mirror and think “so who is this girl standing infront of my reflection.
I’m currently working on being OK with my “adult body” (as my mom calls it) but I don’t think that is an excuse to eat like I have been!
So Ive decided to eat healthier (maybe I have not been getting the right nutrients and that’s why my body craves giant steers burgers with extra cheese) I’m even joining one of those online live healthy communities to keep track of my progress and to keep me from doing the crash diet thing. Wish me luck. <wonder how long this is going to last, I have no will power – been doing the daily yoga thing tho so thats a start:) >
But first things first, breakfast time, I’m starved!!!
but then again whats new
I already drink so much water I might need to look into adult diapers 😉 but thanx for the advice I'll look into Tai-bo
— JustEllaBella