You know how when Oprah had a full out show and not these televised empowerment meetings?
She used to do a list of her “Favourite Things” (Think they still have that in her magazine) then she would give everyone a gift bag or gift car (she is Oprah after all) with all the swag in it?
You know…”You’re alllllllll getting one” ? Well, I’m not Oprah and I don’t have the power to grant you a bag of swag under your chair 🙁 Honestly the only thing under my chair is a half eaten bikie (biscuit) left by Aidan…
BUT if I did have that power, what would be in these bags? well here are my current favourite five, I used to do this monthly, here’s to bringing back a monthly list of my favs… because sometimes I find awesome things and need to share it with you because uhm IT’S AWESOME
If I was Oprah you would get….
Amla Legend Rejuvenating Ritual Replenishing Hair Mask. If you have curly hair THIS will save your life, it is so slick and makes detangling a breeze. You know how when you put a conditioner on your hair and you notice the difference within SECONDS? well use this and you will do a happy dance in the shower… I use it as a conditioner instead of a mask because my hair has special needs 😉 but honestly it’s great and it’s a BARGAIN around R30 a tub and so worth it!
Jumpsuits I usually stay away from things that have the potential to make me look like a patterned Teletubby. But for some reason I fit one on while in MrP and LOVED it. I think it might be the fact that it is one design or one solid colour that works for me…you know how they are always telling short people to wear one shade from head to toe as to not cut themselves in half? I think this helps with that. I love that with a jacket I can look all chic but they still give me the freedom to pick up Aidan and play around without my bits and pieces hanging out…I actually own two now.
Leap Frog’s My Pal Scout Aidan loves this thing! I must admit that I squinted at the price a little a lot but I am very pleased with my decision to get it. You program Scout with your kids name, favourite songs, favourite animal, favourite colour and so on and Scout interacts with him/her.
Scout even plays bedtime music which is great for kids who are into that sort of thing…Aidan just dances to the music…He has learnt to change songs till he finds his favourite which is a little diddy that plays in my mind constantly “me and my pal Aidan, we love to do everything together. . . .” Scout then suggests actions and Aidan actually does it. I wonder if I could get Scout to tell him to eat. (Tried this and Aidan ended up feeding Scout instead ) Scout plays games, sings songs and asks for hugs and cuddles, much cuteness (they have Violet for girls)
Organic Coconut oil because this is a truly versatile product! I’m not usually for “jack of all trade” products. I just think if a product is shampooing and conditioning and acting as a body wash it’s doing a poor job of at least one of those things…But coconut oil is AWESOME, I use it as a daily hair treatment, mix it in with my body scrubs, use it as a moisturiser, do hot oil treatments, remove make-up and cook with it yes people it is THAT awesome.
Nescafe Cappucinno sticks are a great midday pick-me-up. It’s low in calories but makes you feel like a fancy person having cappuccino at your desk. It’s also much cheaper than running down to your local coffee shop for a take-away and did I say it’s yummy? because it is
* This is not a sponsored posts, I bought these things with my own money and will continue to do so because. It’s cool like that 🙂
Oh I am going to try that hair product on A's terrible tangles! And Leap makes stunning products.
seriously it's great 🙂