In my oh so humble opinion

what to wear

I’m feeling much better today (physically not so hot, but otherwise I’m really good). It might have something to do with a good friend threatening to assault me with a positivity stick if I don’t stop acting like Eeyore  from Winnie the Pooh, guess sometimes you need tough love. lol

But that’s not the point here, I actually intend to share my fashionable (up to you to decide) opinion with you. I’m by no means an expert when it comes to style and my outfit for the day is usually decided by sticking my hand into my cupboard pulling something out and working around it. But when it comes to fashion/trend/style I have a few pet peeves that I’d like to share, I’ll only do five now so I don’t seem like too much of a colossal biatch 😉

1. I hate when people wear tights as pants, OK I’ve done it myself, but I insure that (a). My butt is covered by my top (b) you cant see right through my tights (c) My booty doesn’t need xxxl tights.
I know it sounds harsh, but if tights need to hold on for dear life you prob wanna give them some help, with  a skirt or something…Just saying.

2. I cant stand guys with popped collars. I don’t have a definitive reason for this, it just earks me, its douchey like wearing sunglasses inside or on your head when you not holding your hair back, if your bald and sunglasses are on your head I think you look alien like. (that’s tech two points I guess)

3. Cant stand people wearing slippers to work or class. I get the comfortable thing but seriously a pair of flats could give you that without making you look like a resident at a hospice. . . just saying

4. Socks with sandals are a no no. I’m not talking high heels and opaque stockings or pretty peep toes, I’m talking flat sandals with socks a strict no no if you are not at an old age home and even there its slightly frowned upon.

5. Matching denim pants and jackets are so not my thing. I’m not saying you cant pair denim with denim, by all means! its a cool look. But in my opinion if you wear light washed jeans and a jacket in same wash and style you look like a farmer or mechanic, it’s just not a good look…. unless of course you are a farmer or a mechanic then more power to you

*This is just my opinion, you can agree or disagree, but since this is my blog, I can kinda say what I want, hehe*

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