Soooo I like fashion and I like kids (in a non Michael Jackson way-yes it’s wrong to make fun of the dead) so it’s to be expected that the two loves would cross at some point.
Growing up I always expected I’d have a little girl to dress up in little dresses, with lavish bows in her hair and a rediculous amount of ballet pumps, but life seems to be going in a completely different direction with all signs predicting IT’S A BOY!
My family knows that growing up the only reason I had dolls was so I could dress them up (non of that tea party and putting to bed nonsense, more like dress up and stand up) So they seem ever so slightly concerned that I have plans of turning Logan into a mini Diva. I don’t have any such plans don’t worry!
I do have plans of getting him cute outfits though, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t!
But nothing outrageous, I’m not one of those moms on Toddlers and Tiaras who try to turn their 3-year-olds into fabulous little adults with fake tans, fake hair, fake teeth, NO SIR
In any case I will prob end up with a son who is like my husband – who would rather not brush his hair or get dressed up without being bribed.
But for now I just like clothes and the pregnancy means every second thort is baby baby baby, That being said. here are some toddler boy’s outfit ideas from around the interweb.
Don’t worry I’m not doing this: | | | | | |
But I just might: | | | | | |
U just reminded me of playing with dolls. I loved dressing them up. As i got older my mother bought patterns for outfits for my Barbies and i loved cut out dolls, used to make them fab outfits lol.
I used to feed my dolls though and I couldnt sleep if they all weren't lying down and covered (in my drawers half open covered in t-shirts, etc)
And to the point of ur post! Dressing up boys is fun. I play dressup with Taariq often. Skinny jeans and funky belts. Boys are awesome! Definitely!!
Love, Sal xxx