Today I was a little scared to blog about Logan yet again because I didn’t want to make my blog a sad place filled with heartache, but decided that, that was a dumb way too think, from the start this blog has been about what is on my mind and at the moment it’s my perfect little angel, Logan.
I’ll blog about other things too but as I journey to the other side of this overwhelming grief. I have a feeling that ,for now at least, my blog will be about how I’m dealing with all of this, for the basic reason that blogging is part of my healing process (and feeling the way I do, I need all the help I can get) Also if someone doesn’t want to read, they don’t have to.
My friend Cindy gave me the necklace in the picture, on one side it says, “Logan” and the other “too beautiful for earth” and it has become a focus point to channel some of my love to, something tangible I can touch and hold when I miss him the most.
I’ve been visiting countless websites to try and make sense of it all and low and behold I find this poem:
“An angel in the book of life wrote done my baby’s birth, Then whispered as she closed the book…Too beautiful for earth”
So that is what I’m holding onto for now…
I’m hurt, I’m missing my boy, sometimes I feel guilty, other times I’m just sooo sad I can’t think straight, but I’m hopeful for the future and that is SOMETHING, at least I have HOPE
(Also I try to smile at least once a day, just to show Logan, his mom will be ok)