Get ready to just pass out from cuteness!!! when I first heard about Elizna and her personalized cups for little ones I thought, now really does a little kid need a special cup?!? then I looked through her work and the answer is a resounding YES!!! OMW YES!!!
It is so cute!!! and guess what, she is offering one lucky reader the chance to win a R150 voucher to get their own Boeretroos mug!!! go on, read about this amazing Wahm then enter our comp!
Why did you become a work from home mom
In a way I never knew anything else….My dad is an entrepreneur, he had to travel a lot when we were kids, my mom made the decision to rather be there for us than to follow her career. While my dad did his job, my mom looked after us, drove us around, did my dad’s admin, taught us a many crafts, and later started her own Guesthouse – we learned things no school or varsity could ever teach us. I wanted to do be able to do the same for my children…
…I was a new mom with a fairly established home business, and I thought: “Maternity leave mmm, not nessecary, I’ll just work when the baby sleeps “ (BIG SURPRISE THERE)
Learning to say no, and referring potential new clients to other designers – if you sell time you have to make a decision between your business and your kids. In the end that which you can’t measure is where you’ll lose the most – It is possible to measure your busniess’s performance, but how do you measure quality time with your kids?
Being there for my kids and being able to manage my own time – even if it means working at night
See Q1 – no I’m kidding, we have an olmost 7 month old baby in the house – our routine is slowly getting established…I mainly work at night, and run around during the day. Luckily my eldest daughter loves drawing and painting, she loves ‘helping me work’
Letterchef is a graphic design & illustration studio, I love typography – letters are the main ingredient in the logo’s and monograms we create.
I love what I do, and care about the people I’m working for (some clients are like family, and others become family – one of my clients actually married my sister 😉 – I draw with my hand before anything goes to computer, I’m an expert working with type and I love letters….
With graphic design it really depends on the project….our babycino sets start at R120 per cup
The past 10 years has been nothing but grace, it is a privilege to be able to be with my daughters and getting paid for doing something I love.
We are blessed with the friendliest, happiest little boy and I would LOVE to win him his own special little 'koppietjie liefde'!
My 1 year old would totally do that cup justice! Can you say "photoshoot!!" eeek 🙂