25 Week tummy |
I’m basically two months away from maternity leave. Seriously how did that happen? One moment I was peeing on a stick, and momentarily confused at what one and a half lines meant (I then got more of those little science experiments out to make sense of the “you are pregnant” the first test was clearly hinting at – 5 tests of varying makes and strengths couldn’t be wrong, we were having a baby! )
I remember Robin’s excitement and me not really being sure which emotion to display. My emotions were like a volatile cocktail, One part excitement, one part confusion, one part annoyance at husband (well he was far to calm for my liking and with no prospect of growing a baby in him and having to do the birthing thing, I could see why) then one part flabbergasted dashed with loads of WOW this is actually happening.
Its 20 week’s since then: I’ve seen and heard a heart beat, found out I was carrying a boy, I’ve freaked out about my size and the irony of water retention (how can I be retaining water and looking sooo swollen and at the same time running to the bathroom every second) I’ve felt the annoyance that is late onset morning sickness, felt smug about the lack of stretch marks and then depro about the cellulite that took it’s place. I’ve felt time draaaagggg as I can’t wait to meet my little man and felt time speed off as I feared the whole motherhood thing.
But all in all it’s been an interesting ride and there are 3 more months to go….
Here goes nothing
Pregnancy Week 26: All About Baby (babyzone.com)
During your 26th week of pregnancy, your baby-to-be opens her eyes for the first time. She’ll open and shut her eyes as she gets used to her new ability. Your little one is still on the small side. Her body may look fully formed on the outside, but inside there’s fine-tuning taking place, including her lungs and her brain. Your unborn baby still has some growing to do!