Countdown to #ECMeetup

meetupIt is #ECMeetup time again and we are soooo excited

It has been pretty emotional to be honest. Well for me anyway. At times I found myself thinking I have no business taking the lead on something like this but then my co-host Luchae would put things in perspective for me. This is not about us, we had a dream to get the local bloggers, talking, interacting and learning, and to shine a little bit of a “bat signal” from the Eastern Cape saying there are more bloggers here than you think guys. And since that is what we set out to do, we are on track.

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Going Somewhere Slowly… #ECMeetup perhaps

So I’m super hyped about the #ECMeetup.

I don’t know if it’s the gifts and goodibag items that have been arriving, that today is the cut off for tickets, or what exactly but I am soooooooooooooo excited!

Part of my #ECMeetup excitement comes from the fact that Anje Rautenbach, yes THE Anje from the wildly popular Going Somewhere Slowly and Vroetel Voete has agreed to be a speaker at the event.


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