Going back to my roots #hairjourney

So I’m embarking on what, natural hair enthusiasts call , a hair journey

It’s been a pretty long time coming….I’m not using any more chemical straighteners, and I am giving up the whole blowdrying, straight ironing side of my life for a-surprisingly not less trouble-wash and go look….
I’ll go through the whole rigmarole of smoothing it out for special occasions (when it is not raining) but for the most part this is me now….
I got tired of sitting for a minimum of an hour to get my hair done only to let the slightest sign of humidity (dude you could just put a kettle on)  bring my hair right back to its curly self
So this is me now.. a mess of unruly curls which seems to evoke a range of emotions in the people I know…at the risk of generalising (which I am openly doing right now) the general consensus is that white people want to know if they can touch my hair,black people ask if it’s a weave and coloured people reckon I’m lazy and should “do” my hair ….
My hair isn’t 100% where I want it yet but I found this amazing blog moknowshair.com which is helping me along the way….
Wish me luck, will keep u guys up to date 😉
*PS the best part is sharing the curly haired gene with my Lil man (I’d kill for his curl pattern though)

For my fellow curly girls

So. True.

I came across this tumblr account, Curly Hair Problems, and find it super educational and entertaining. I believe some straight haired people get annoyed at the posters on the site (well according to comments on pinterest) but I find it funny and truthful and needed because doing the naturally curly thing is quite a journey. I bet there are a bunch of funny truthful comments straight haired people could put up, but I’m a girly curl and this blog gets my vote… anywho check out the site here are some of my favourite posters:

Haha... Because it takes forever to straighten & still can't get all the curls straight. What a pain! ;)
curly hair problems
Curly Hair ProblemSO TRUE! Curly hair problem #508 I don't understand... this worked yesterday!Curly Hair ProblemsCurly hair problems. Word.

curly hair problemhahaha so true!I think this is a thick hair problem. But either way... YesTrue Story!!!!!!!!!!!!Curly Hair Problem #170