Practically free post wedding gifting ideas

First things first…wedding gifting ideas? What’s that for? Well I’m referring to gifts from the bridal couple to those who helped make their day a success. These gifts are certainly not compulsory but if you can get them for practically free…Why not.

Weddings and other big celebrations often leave you with three things 1. A very grateful heart, 2. A pretty low budget and 3. Left over decor items and craft supplies.

These wedding gifting ideas show you how to use number 3 to bypass 2 and express 1.

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My top five kitchen tea activities

Kitchen tea activities have matured since the days my gran used to volunteer my services to look after the kids of women who couldn’t find babysitters. I’d sneak a peek as my aunts and their friends would basically haze the bride with traditional games that often involved eating/drinking disgusting concoctions and having their already questionable outfits covered in eggs and flour (this might be a cultural thing, I don’t know as I’ve only been on multicultural guest lists since becoming an adult so can’t compare it to the past).

But kitchen tea activities are more civilised now, I like to think… and these are my top five activities to get the guests involved and none of them include publicly humiliating the bride…I mean unless she’s into that sort of thing.

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