So my last challenge failed, it failed misserably! Im trying another one now, inspired by a fellow blogger at O So Inspired its a ten day challenge so maybe I have more staying power at 10 days
Today Im supposed to give 10 secrets, I’m not one for secrets hey, so think I’ll go for 10 random things about me
1. I have never had the same hairstyle for longer than 3weeks, seriously a friend Lana from NogSteedsLana drew a cartoon of me and had no idea what to do when it came to hair part…
2. I have tried to write about 6 books by now, I have no staying power, by chapter two I run out of steam, maybe I should try short stories…
3. I have a ton of clothes that are not quite my size, but I cant bring myself to let them go, because I hold on to the hope that I will be THAT tiny again sometime
4. The most embarressing thing that has ever happened to me has to be when my cards were declined at a hotel in Brazil (because my cards were flagged somehow) and I had to get a top South African fashion editor to pay for me – I blush just thinking about it
5. I often talk out of turn and cringe at myself, luckily my friends know that about myself, I’d be the one that says, “gees why do you look so run down and exhausted” when I mean to say, “you look a little tired you should take a break my friend” Im learning with this one
6. Im not an animal person but my siblings’ dogs have grown on me, kinda…
7. I have a list of favourite TV shows most of which are from DisneyXD and Nickelodeon, currently loving Lab Rats
8. I like to order little things online so I can have that whole ooooh I get to open something feeling
9. Im super easily distracted but at the same time I have this need to finish something when I started it a need that often annoys “the husband”
10. I can sleep anywhere anytime this is a recent thing but it’s extremely sad I think . . .
I've also tried writing many novels, but gave up and just wrote poetry instead. It's quicker and therapeutic.