So yesterday my little sister went to her Matric Farewell!!! OMW! I feel so old, how can the little tiny thing who used to follow me around and insist on doing everything I did be all grown up now?
She kinda reminded me of lyrics from a Britney Spears song (yes I’m quoting Brit-shock horror) “Not a girl, not yet a woman”
It scares me that she’s going into the “real world” soon (as if high school wasn’t bad enough) She means so much to me, always has, and I can’t imagine her having to take on everything on her own…But we all do don’t we, we have to make decisions and face the consequences – that’s just life.
As I watched her in her grey gown and blue accessories (all designed by her) I suddenly felt calm, this girl has never backed down to anything in her life, strong from the core. I suddenly felt proud of what a woman my little, hockey playing, party loving, environmental club, christian leader, never afraid to ask for help or give it, little sister is becoming.
She’ll be fine and although I’ve had to get used to not being part of every aspect of her life, I’m proud to call her Sister and Friend 🙂
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