The siblings

I was watching Conviction (a scary true story) Hillary Swank’s character pulls out all the stops including becoming a lawyer to prove her brothers innocence in a murder trial.
It got me thinking about my own siblings my 21y old brother, Allister, everyone calls him Ally and my 17y old sister,Anthea, who goes by Thea. (still havent figured out if I’d become a lawyer for them, even if I can get Jessica Alba to play me in the story of my life)
 We have always been at 3 different stages of our lives; I’m hanging out with friends, Ally’s playing in the garden and Thea is still learning to walk. I’m finishing high school, Ally is starting and Thea is midway thru primary school.
So with the age difference we have not always been the type that hang out except if its mandatory like a family trip or getting locked in a room till we stop fighting (my dad once even tied my brother’s hand to mine to get us to stop bickering).
But we are older now and yes we still get into tifs, like I get annoyed when they wanna play bank and I have to play the roll of the atm, also because I’m out of the house the two of them have become very close so I sometimes feel left out.
On the other hand my sister gets annoyed because my brother would like to keep her locked in a room with colouring pencils, “she’s little she can’t be dating and partying”, he says.
Point is we are very different, they are confident socialites and I’m the shy book worm,over time we have evened out a bit, I go out more and they are more serious about their futures, more and more, we dont mind hanging out, they come to me for advice and I’ve done the same and no matter how different we are we are there for each other NO MATTER WHAT…

Photos from my mom’s room of myself and my siblings as babies, I’m the one in the styling bonnet
The three of us the day of my brothers matric dance
Ally this year
Thea this year

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