Outside The Bowl Africa is helping eradicate hunger and you can help out for the price of a fancy coffee and a cookie.
A donation of R50 a month to Outside The Bowl Africa’s Hunger Campaign will ensure a child receives a Vitakidz meal every day for a month. This provides 80% of the nutrition a child needs to survive.
The Covid 19 pandemic has given rise to a secondary pandemic (in a way) with organisations struggling to operate and afford feeding programs.
Wellington-based non-profit company, Outside The Bowl, has launched its Hunger Campaign to the public – in doing its part to help combat childhood hunger globally.
According to the stats they shared, there are now approximately 6 000 to 12 000 people dying of hunger every day and the world’s children are suffering the most.
According to Outside The Bowl Managing Director, Mark Maingard, their aim is to manufacture and provide 500 000 ambient, nutritional meals per day by 2025 and they hope to eradicate hunger by 2030.
Become a HUNGER HERO and help them reach the goal of #zerohunger2030
Here are some helpful links:
OTB Africa/Outside the Bowl Africa Links:
Website Outside the Bowl Africa: https://outsidethebowlafrica.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/outsidethebowlafrica.org
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/otbafricafeeding/
Event Video: https://www.facebook.com/events/537384357660179
Communities of Abundance Links:
Website: https://www.communitiesofabundance.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/communitiesofabundance/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/communitiesofabundance.za/
Donation Link: