Tuesdays are Shoesdays: SA FASHIONGIRL :)

I think Sheri Lee of Safashiongirl is awesome (seriously! met her at SAFW and she’s even cooler in real life) so it’s really great that she agreed to take part in Shoes day 😀 Here is what she had to say
These are the questions:
1. You are: Sheri Lee, author of Safashiongirl.com
2. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 112! It’s a bit insane but most are my mothers since she kept all of hers and we’re the same size.
3. Why do you think a great pair of shoes has such an effect on women? My friend once told me sometimes if she’s feeling down about herself or is having a “fat day” she buys shoes because shoes will always fit. I thought that was quite charming, shoes really do make women feel beautiful. I love how heels make you stand tall and confident plus it’s always fun to create an outfit based on your shoes!
4. Which shoe are you still searching for? A simple, classic black pair of Louboutin heels. I tried this wild nude and glitter strappy pair on once and the fit is so perfect! I think it’s because they come in half-sizes.
5. Which shoe can’t you believe you actually wore: I wore those terrible huge sneakers with wheels built in when I was younger.
“I buy women shoes and they use them to walk away from me” – Mickey Rooneyhttp://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/mickeyroon147521.html

Sheri Lee’s shoes

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