Firstly my phone and car have both basically told me where to get off-oh joyous start to the new week!!!!
But moving on….
It’s week 27 and I’m still growing by the day, seriously I had some one say to me this morning “You must be counting down the days already” Not with about 97 days to go, Im not. (had to do a google calculation for that)
On the plus side its xactly 10 more weeks of work before I’m on maternity leave (if everything goes well that is).
Even greater than this is the fact that today Im doing the 4d scan so we get to have a glimps of the little one YEAH US!!! says:
Your baby’s lungs and brain are beginning to mature. Although he’d have a good chance of survival if he were born now, he could use a few more weeks of growing. Added layers of fat are continuing to form. These layers will help your baby regulate his temperature once outside the womb and help keep him warm
Hey Elle – only got around to this today – but at the same time saw your update on Twitter! All this…so suddenly?? Keeping you and hubby in our thoughts and prayers…Be strong! Much Love *twitter&blog follower,Lee**