You should be starting your day with us: SA Mom Blogs

Okay so there is a big chance you are starting your morning wrong!!!
Seriously doesn’t that sound like those annoying fb posts. The videos that say, “what she did, I can’t believe my eyes” HATE THAT
Anywho what I meant was, if you are into blogs (which you kinda have to be if you are reading this, well at least a little) you need to be checking out SA Mom Blogs.
Every morning or evening I grab a drink (mood dependent; wine for bad days, tea for cold days, hot chocolate for calories don’t count days) and go over to the FB group and settle down to a bunch of blogs.
What I love about the group is how different we all are, crafty moms, home schooling moms, business owners, breastfeeders, bottlefeeders… I can’t tell you who my favourite blogs are because it is kind of mood dependent, some days I want to know how to make diet snacks like these cookie dough fudge things from Laura, other days I want a laugh from one of Cindy’s list or some inspiration from Jonelle, I love Melanie , I’m pretty much obsessed with Maz and think me and Jozi are actually separated at birth or something. Heather who started it all, is always so thoughtful and I catch up with my local girls Megan, Luchae and Amelia on the regular…
I know I’m missing people like Cat and Namreen and … actually you know what, go HERE for the full list of mommas and a daddy 🙂

I have so much love for these people, and will probably awkwardly come up to them at an event sometime, HEY MEGAN, remember that? AWKS (is 30 too old to make awks happen?)
Blogging especially in SA where it’s suddenly “a dog eat dog”, “you can’t blog with us”, “we blog pink on Wednesdays”, kind of world (see what I did there? Mean Girls reference people) is scary. I find myself feeling out of my depth sometimes but these women have always made me feel like it’s okay to just be me and that right there is cool 🙂

Do go over and check out what everyone is up to. The FB Group is the easiest way to keep track, go there and show them love but don’t forget about me now, I’m needy like that!
Queue Dream Girl Music, *and you and you and you, your gonna love me*

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