A day in the life of a part time wahm

Since I am not in a traditional “work setting” on Thursdays and Fridays, Wednesdays are usually filled with comments like “It’s practically Friday for you”, “Oh my, you are so lucky” and the more loaded “Wish I was so lucky, but some of us have to work” I smile, I nod, I think; I had to sacrifice half a pay check for this you judgmental so and so and duh I need to work, I happen to work my arse off at not one but three jobs and a blog so you can go jump. I wanted to spend more time with my kid and I wanted to follow my dream of starting a brand so it’s sacrifice after sacrifice and I don’t judge your decisions so HUSH…
Sidebar: I’d be  very unpopular as a person if I ever lost the filter that turns that sentiment about judgmental so and so’s into a smile and the phrase “different strokes for different folks hey”

With this in mind I thought I’d tell you what my wahming (being a work from home mom) is like these days…

-Thursday morning I cuddle into bed with my angelic two year old as the sun streams in through our favorite tree, the nanny takes him to sort him out for school and such and I go to yoga, before popping off to the spa, I get home to freshly squeezed organic vegetable juice and quickly pop in to see how my workers are doing on the spring collection I’m very excited to bring out.
I log onto the net and surf for a while then come out to my beautiful little cherub eating his lunch neatly at his table. We then put on our matching running shoes and take a walk through the park, I do another quick check in on workers and then Rob comes home and we have a healthy balanced meal that magically appeared in my pristine kitchen and then, I wake up and my real life starts…

– Actually on Thursday mornings I wake up at 6.15 (incidentally that is sleeping in for me because we are usually in the car on our way to work then) I get ready and then wrangle an unresponsive toddler out of bed.
He tries every trick in the book to not go to school, like hiding his shoes, faking injuries and emotionally blackmailing me by telling me school makes him sad, can he stay with me as I make him happy…
 I get him into his car seat and then drag him into the school building where he cries, goes limp and acts like I’m leaving him as a sweat shop, I hardly leave the driveway and he is merrily playing with his friends.
Then it’s get home, and do some blog admin over a hearty breakfast of whatever is quickest, usually coffee and a fruit. Then it’s admin for Oh!Boy… I take and make orders on a weekly rotation so it’s quick stock take before I’m off to material shop for supplies and back home to get as much sewing done as I can before I have to pick up Aidan -I try to fit in some form of exercise around this time too.
Then I bring him home, make him a balanced critic approved lunch, beg and plead with him to eat it, then give in to yet another, Provita, apple and yogurt meal.
 He then wants to watch some TV, usually one episode of Mickey Mouse Club House followed by one other show about some kid who seems to be without their parents all the time like Dora, Jake and so on – I use this time to do some more sewing.
After TV we do a mom and me activity like crafting, play dough, play in nearby park for a hour or so, then we get back home and I hope Rob has something he is dying to cook or wants to buy because if not I have to cook with a toddler dying to “help you mummy”.
I then set Aidy up with a puzzle, colouring activity, books, blocks and get some work done, he often ends up by Ma (my mom) after this to pick up his cousin/brother Caleb who he would have asked for quite a few times by now…
They go off, I evaluate how much I have done and how much needs to be done…
Rob comes home we do the usual family time, bath time, bed time thing and if I didn’t do enough to my liking I let them sleep and finish up.
On Friday I do it all over except that I have early morning Gifts&Goodies meeting with my partner Jill where we touch base, shop and create till I need to pick up the Tyke. On crazy days I bring him with me back to her place where he plays with her kids; 4-year-old Madison and 3-year-old Levi, they almost ALWAYS fight and one always cries, but they can’t get enough of each other either… so yes my life is all  LUXURY BIATCHES!!! jealous much 🙂

I’m not complaining though, we all get annoyed when our life decisions are questioned but I’m happy, I have always been the type that needed to be doing different things at the same time to truly relax and be me… I thrive on the crazy and things have been really crazy but I love it, honestly 🙂 apart from maybe a nice cash injection, I wouldn’t change my life for anything right now.

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