A early birthday message to the husband person

A couple of years ago I was introduced to this really annoying guy. He had a dry sense of humour and an answer for EVERYTHING. While he was quiet around others, I could not get him to shut up and he could be moody as all heck (still is :p )
He grew on me though, because he got my jokes and put up with my moods and had the prettiest green eyes, I subsequently liked him so much that I agreed to marry him and make another dry witted know it all…

Happy Birthday Robin, thank you for being you, thank you for filling in the spots where I fall short, thanks for getting things down off the high shelves and driving me around when I’m being a lazy bum, thanks for sharing the parenting duties with me 50/50 no questions asked and for accepting my family as your own even if they are way more than what you are used to. Thank you for singing along when Aidan and I are in one of our moods and for turning down your beloved rock music when I’m depressed and can’t stand the sound of music. Thank you for being okay with my need to be alone and also always being willing to just sit with me when I just need someone near…

I hope God grants you way more years, thank you for being the Papa bear in our 3 little bear story 🙂

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