A week of ThankUs #1

So everyday this week I want to find something to be outright thankful for. It’s difficult to be thankful with the cloud of grief over you, but I’m determined to find the good in my life, reasons to keep on looking up even though the world has me down.

My dear husband, Robin Damien Meyers, I’m thankful that no matter how difficult waking up is, I get to wake up next to him.
I always knew he was strong physically, he is a big guy, an ex-soldier, turned fireman turned detective…but I never realised what true strength he had inside until now.
I’m a bit of a bossy boots (see I can be honest) I know what I want and how I want it, Rob usually just let’s me get on with it (while rolling his eyes) but lately I can’t even decide what I want for supper, I’m soooo deflated, I don’t like answering phones or going to the shops, he needs to make all decisions and in a way take care of me (I’m not big on being taken care of) but he does it without making me feel useless and with no complaints and for that I’m grateful.
He still gets flashbacks of being told he could lose us both and it hurts me to see the fear in his eyes when I don’t feel well, I can’t imagine if I was told I could lose both my boys at the same time, losing Logan is awful enough so if you threw Robin in the mix, I might never get up.
During my stay, Robin was at the hospital everyday! by Logan’s side and mine. I’ve been told by nurses, a hairstylist (she did hair for some of the hospital staff recently) and a friend (her mom works at the hospital) that Robin’s devotion to us and gratitude to the staff did not go unnoticed. One of the nurses actually told me I was very lucky and to make sure he doesn’t get away.
I know just how lucky I am, he has his faults, we all do, but he is my soul mate and I wouldn’t trade him for all the jimmy choo’s in the world 🙂

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