I have issues with my weight so yes I’m female.
Honestly I think they should have asked Caster “do you think your butt looks big in those shorts?” And if the answer was anything like “actually my thighs look chunky,” you would know in the words of Malema “He is a woman”.
With me being pretty short any weight gain or loss seems to be quite noticeable, seriously I went from super skinny (what my less diplomatic friends would call a lollipop head) to chubby and married looking (I know they didn’t mean like on Desperate Housewives because any time you have the maintenance guys at your office suggests you opt for stairs instead of the elevator you know you have a slight problem) now after starting to be more active I’m apparently “curvy and healthy looking” (pleasantly plump maybe) but with just 8kgs to my goal weight, I’m still not happy.
Think it proves like most girls I know, I’m never really happy with how I look. I’m hoping to change that because through my job I have met way too many people who have had to fight to stay alive, they taught me to live each day to the fullest because life is really short and unpredictable (I’d feel really stupid if I were to become really ill tomorrow and realise I didn’t enjoy yesterday because my arms looked chubby in some picture someone tagged me in (which they tend to-damn you Oprah arms) so this year’s challenge is to live healthy and happy, regardless of my size, so what if I have some junk in my trunk, – thanks to Kim Kardashian that’s actually quite hot right now.
(And in case someone sees me in gym and wants to call me a hypocrite, I’m not saying I don’t want to get in shape I just mean I’m going to be easier on myself and feel less guilty about finishing a whole cashew and coconut slab in one sitting-yum)
there is that "i want to be a supermodel" song from the movie Clueless where the girl says she is going to write her school report on why she loves her genes…. Well, it took me years before I realised that she is actually referring to here GENES and not her JEANS. Your post might be an inspiration to rather love our JEANS than GENES this year;)