Activating survival mode

I actually feel quite guilty admitting how overwhelmed I’m feeling seeing as how the world is actually pretty much in tragic conflict.
Since my family is safe and none of my loved ones are living as refugees I should be feeling pretty blessed but I’m just feeling tired.

You see, Rob was admitted to hospital yesterday. The test results have revealed a severe bee allergy (OMW I cant lose my husband like that boy died in the movie My Girl that movie made me so mad/sad, why did no one warn me he was going to die…I digress) Rob is not at death’s door yet, he is just covered in welts and is extremely uncomfortable and in a lot of pain and breathing is tough. Also I miss him as he is staying for at least one more night.

A funny thing happens after years of marriage (almost 7 years now) you become unconsciously reliant on each other, even if a large part of you marriage was spent apart (when he was at police college).

 It becomes deadly obvious when your routine is thrown out of wack.  We do things pretty effortlessly; I pack a bag, he gets Aidy ready, he straps him in, I lock the doors. He does supper, Aidy and I pick up supplies at the shop. I do bath time he does bed time…

Even though he goes away with work the sudden leaving is quite different. We do things pretty independently but it’s usually with the other in mind… He does game night with Aidy so I can play squash and I do crafts when he jogs. After just one day I realise I don’t have him to wake me as he heads off to the early train, the water in the  kettle is not boiling when I get to the kitchen and I didn’t have to prepare an extra lunch last night.

Last night he was not in the kitchen whipping up something and I didn’t get a message from him and Aidan to bring home milk and a lollies, I’m still tired from a HECTIC WEEKEND and have a bunch of orders to complete and products to review but without Rob that’s going to be tough (he keeps overly helpful – I cut it for you mommy – hands busy)

Thank God for amazing friends though; Last night two of our closest friends unexpectedly brought me supper and snacks for Rob and took Aidan out so I could make visiting hours despite missing the train.

I have extra shifts this week and am still promoting both business because I could do with the money…

I know things are going to be okay but joh! When your tired is tired you have to activate survival mode *yawn*

2 thoughts on “Activating survival mode

  1. Christine Kenny says:

    Ah shame hun, I hope he feels better soon. I get where you're going with the "unconsciously relying on each other" bit, I do the same with hubby and when something like this happens, it throws everything upside down.

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