You just can’t buy style

Yesterday while waiting for my flight I noticed two stunning women standing close together, the one was in a heavily embellished Louis Vuitton cap,belt and shoes,an Ed hardy top, with a Polo bag and Polo jacket while the other was in tailored jeans and shirt. What struck me is that although the second lady was far less branded she just looked better, her hair looked great so did her nails and there was something in how she carried herself. The other just didn't quite pull off the look and for all her expensive clothes,she just looked cheap (no! this is not jealousy talking even if I'd love a LV belt) just think that was a great illustration of the saying "true style comes from inside" like one of my style icons, Coco Chanel said, "elegance is not just putting on a new dress"… Here is some more things she said:

– A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.

– As long as you know men are like children, you know everything!

– Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.

– Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future.

– Fashion fades, only style remains the same.

– Fashion is made to become unfashionable.

– Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has tot do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.

– Gentleness doesn't get work done unless you happen to be a hen laying eggs.

– How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone.


Embrace your face

I don’t think anyone is truly happy with their looks,not 100% anyway.
I know stunning girls, working as models, who would love a little nip, tuck,inflate or deflate. On my own list of things to change (way before I cared about my weight) were my lips.

They were way too big (Angelina Jolie envy was not big when I was growing up and I read even she thought she resembled a muppet).

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Does it matter?

I was chatting to a friend this morning (Timon) and for a moment we thought how life would be if we still had apartheid, WOW! the amount of things that would change.
People you interact with would change and how you interact would change, it would prob even change what you did for a living and how you saw yourself and others. Also I’m pretty sure that with many people thinking I’m black (many) and my husband white (they think these things) we would have even more stares. (Personaly I like interacial couples, they make the cutest kids, lol)
I hate racism, I was a little girl when I had this old white lady refer to my brother and I as dirty little monkeys, my parents could not really do anything and that thought stayed with me.
How can you base your feelings towards someone on nothing, but the colour of their skin.(seriously there is so much more to be annoyed about, hehe)
Personally I am a equal opportunity racist, I have been annoyed by most of South Africa’s races, mine included, the colour of your eyes, hair and skin doesn’t bother me, if you are a jerk, you are a jerk – the colour code doesn’t matter (same with your status in life, an idiot is an idiot regardless of what they have in their wallet).
No I’m not preaching I just think that even though we do hav LOTS to be worried about and LOTS to complain about (and hopefully change) we also have LOTS to be thankful for as we have a chance our ancestors didn’t have, we get to judge people on who they are and not what they are, that’s BIG.

Uptown girl or down town chick

Me in blue tights at SAFW

So this morning I overslept, as in really overslept. Because I work “out of town” I usually take the train (regardless of people’s opinions, I like taking the train because; it’s cheap,I don’t have to face rush hour traffic, I have met amazing people and have I mentioned it’s super cheap) anyway missing the train means I am now updating my blog from a taxi blasting music from old school musicals, while I sit lodged between a construction worker and someone I assume to be a secretary (SA for you).
Walking to taxi rank made me realise that I like how random my life is and how I have lived two sides of a story.
Thinking about my life I have to say I love that I’ve lived in a small bachelor flat as a little girl, moved eight times to a point where I could pick my bedroom out of seven.
Went from watching my parents take on handy man jobs to make ends meet (my mom would sew my dad would fix things) to helping my dad set up his own business.
I love how I know how it feels to be searching the house for change to buy bread, but have also been lucky enough to have eaten at many fancy restuarants and know that pine nuts and rocket are some of my favourite salad ingredients.
I love how I know how it feels to be thankful for school uniform because I had nothing nice to wear any way and I like how it’s taught me the value of looking good without me forgetting that the outside of someone is nothing more than a mask.
I love how I’ve played in the same roads others see as dangerous and have gone on to attend fashion shows around SA and even Brazil.
I love how my husband and I know the worry behind having to choose which bill to skip and how to stretch 100 bucks over a month, but we also know the joy of having no fears of debtors phoning you and getting to decide if we want sushi or steak for supper.
Most of all I love how I have never wanted for anything, how my parents would do anything for my siblings and I and taught me the pleasure in giving. Their lives have set the example that working hard you can have your dream.
Thanx mom and dad and thanx Rob for working towards “the dream” with me.
-have a great day guys, just remember “be careful of the toes you step on today, because they might be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow) 😉

impatient patient

So this morning I feel BLEURGH
Seriously I woke up feeling like an ad for flu meds, headache, pain, fever and just for fun I have stomach cramps thrown in,because my body has joined in with my family in judging me for not getting pregnant.
No man this is sooooo not how I want to start my brand new (for the next paper) to-do-list.
I don’t like being sick, ok so I like the husband faffing over me and getting meds and chai tea brought to me as I lie in bed 🙂 
I don’t really like medication though because I am way to curious a person to be falling asleep when the world is quite clearly going on without me.
“What just happened?,” I ask for the fourth time as I try to catch up on the movie we have been watching for no more than half an hour (I keep passing out)
Being sick at home is still bearable, it’s being at work with people rushing to meet deadlines that I really can’t stand.
Here I am using every last drop of energy I have to try and stay awake, try not to cough, sniff or scream “leave me the heck alone” (did I mention I get crabby when I’m sick) while I feel people are looking at me thinking, “why does she look so sleepy,late night I bet, no priorities” , “I wonder if she’s going to try to go home because of the sniffles when I was here with the plague just last week” , “ooh the drama queen is looking weak again, bloomen hypochondriac”
—Ok ok so I might be a little dramatic and a lot paranoid, but point is I don’t like being sick it’s annoying !!!!

have a good day and pass the Benylin

Just another manic Monday

Woke up pleased as punch (don’t know where they get these sayings from as I was happy, but not liquid or alcoholic) but anyway I could not be more proud of Rob who starts his new life as a Constable Detective today. He was all formal pants and shirt this morning a far cry from waking up to him in his military or fire fighter uniform. I’m really happy for him because this is what all the waiting and studying and stuff was for.
He left a hour before I did, you would think this would give me plenty of time to get ready, but I’m such a lazy bum on Mondays. I just lay there contemplating waking up and was too late to actually do hair so I ended up with this bed head instead of the intended curls (have a cocktail party to attend straight from work so I planned on getting ready at the office and hair that does not look like a crows nest would have helped the situation along.)
My hair is not helpful today in any case, smells lovely though because my hair products (kerastase at the moment) have these days where it just doesn’t feel like activating, but it’ll throw me a bone and atleast smell nice.
Anyway what was my point….
uhm here is five things I know for sure this Monday (how very Oprah of me)
— I’m really proud of Robin
— I need to get to dieting again
— PMS can kiss my ass (currently its too busy kicking my ass to do any kissing)
— I’m super broody (need to babysit again so I can get over it – nothing says rather not like a crying baby)
— I have the attention span of a geriatric goldfish