Everything falls apart to fall together

Aidan’s carefully planned party totally went bust yesterday.
The venue I made sure to book and pay deposit for a month in advance mixed up our booking (despite my checking in) and we ended up standing in the rain with Aidan knocking on door saying “please open the door”
Luckily (due to it being Easter weekend) the only guests were “family” so I didn’t have to feel embarrassed while standing with platters and cake outside… We rallied and ended up having a get together at the local spur…The rushing around made me forget my camera though so that sucked…
Also sucks that all the decor I bought went unused and that we had to take out extra money last minute but at the end of the day we had a good time and Aidan had a blast which is all we really wanted 🙂
And he loved the cake and t-shirts I crafted for him and his friends loved the thank you gifts I made… crafting makes me happy 🙂
Aidan got awesome well thought out gifts – love gifts that show you put thought into it…


Also aidan tells me he only wants to wear superman clothes now…so welcome to the terrible 2s

Aidan’s first sleep over

Aidan’s six year old cousin Kamryn spent the night and the two of them had a blast… here are some of the things they got up to… (can I have a sleep over now? At a spa maybe)
– they helped make play dough
– they made play dough easter eggs and decorated them (aidan tells me mickey and Donald “duck o wait” eggs too)
– started a ‘restaurant” and had me order various play dough meals – the ice cream cones where very popular
– they painted outside (Aidan painted his feet)
– they played on his lil playground
– finally fell asleep watching mickey mouse clubhouse (Aidan’s choice – she wanted little mermaid but let the “little one” chose)
– also Aidan taking the new law that states you will get fined if you don’t have a car seat very seriously – see him try to install one on his tricycle

*Happy Easter everyone !*

Onsie wishes…diy (Kay-lynn guest post)

I come from a family of makerers well technically it’s a family of Douglases but we like to make things, 90% of us like to write, create, bake, sew, built… it’s in the genes… So I don’t know why it took me so long to feature one of my familia’s creations as a DIY guest post 
So here we go, this is my 16 year old cousin Kay-lynn who is sweet and nice and thinks I am ancient.
For her sister’s baby shower she created an awesome frame of hanging onsies, for people to pick one, write a special message on and then place in a box, for the mom to be to keep and read when she needs a pick me up… here is how she did it:
Use a template of the onsie you want and trace it onto coloured  card, I hand drew this but you can simply print one
Cut out the onsies and highlight the outline of each on both sides
Decorate each onsie individually using stickers and gems

I then asked my dad to make a wooden frame (a big photoframe would do) I painted it white and used ribbon to make “washing lines”, I then hung each onsie onto it with a cute little peg

Thanks for the guest post KAY-LYNN 🙂

Baby under construction shower :)

As promised here are some of the things I made for my sister’s baby shower….

Mom-to-be, she is to tiny it’s sickening (jealous much)

Using a print of the internet I fashioned these, lanyard style invitations – just print, laminate, punch holes, put in string TADAH
Each guest got a game pack with pencil and print outs of the games we played
I used the usual games but put a construction spin on the look by using good old microsoft Paint
My good and trusty body scrub recipe came in handy as party favors
Some danger tape and hard hats made for quick and easy decor
Food glorious food
The overall look
Aidan’s truck delivered the favors, 😉
Popcorn is a must 🙂

Merry Christmas from our family to yours

Merry Christmas all, may God’s grace rain down on you this festive season. We had an awesome day full of spoils, love and laughter. We started out at our house, then my parents, then Rob’s mom…. here are some pictures….

Christmas 2014….US
My gifts from Rob… This man gets me! I can’t wait to use my glue gun 🙂
nail polish sets and dark chocolate, need I say more!!! 
So amazing to see Aidan’s excitement over gifts…. “Oh wow”

Dressing up your kid is part of the fun of parenthood…am I right, hehe
Our gifts
Christmas selfie
Aidan LOVES his wack a mole game
Working up an appetite
With Uncle Clayton
With Aunty Anthea
I love love this photo
Someone had fun
A little Larry Kingish
Food glorious food!
With Aunty Nicole
Wouldn’t be Áidan without an impromptu nap
This cracker knows me!!! needlework set nogal
More gifts! ‘From other gran
Lucky boy
Kid didn’t know what to play with first,
 at one point he was on his plasma car while playing building  blocks and cars
His oldest cousin Kamryn
Oh how I love personalised gifts
Pretty necklace from my mom and sister
These two charged me 10 million 19 rands (seriously) for a plastic burger
With Ouma Helen (Rob’s mom) she loves him to bits
With my Dad…Oh how matchy matchy

Thankful Thursday…blessed to be supported

You see the picture? look closely…See Aidan holding onto my top?
Well this is the interesting part about this…Aidan is fearless, he goes for things full force but I noticed something, he is only willing to try new things if he has me (or another person in his little circle of trust)…He jumps at anything, with mommy just near by…
I need to hold his hand when he does anything new, just for a second then he will gain the confidence and do it alone…I’ve seen this on these coin operated cars, trampolines, climbing frames,bikes…hold my  hand (or usually, let me hold your top) be close by and I can do anything…
This made me realise something about myself…I’m pretty “brave” I’ve tried a lot of things and travelled and experienced things by myself despite being pretty socially awkward…
I’m often asked how I can be so calm when there is chaos around me and I realise why, it’s because of my family…My parents and husband especially…They are the top I need to hold and the net I get to fall back on if things go wrong…
I’m able to “go for things” because I know I never go alone…and this right here is what I want for my lil boy…
*feeling blessed*  

My support structure