Up up and away…

Dig within. Within is the wellspring of Good; and it is always ready to bubble up, if you just dig.
Marcus Aurelius

Today is the end of an era, I’m saying goodbye to my job as lifestyle reporter and hello to a life as “Production supervisor, freelance journo, amateur photographer and blogger” (sounds impressive doesn’t it-I’m trying to cheer myself up).
I’m feeling a little sad, it’s been almost three years and through tears and fears I have loved it, the events, the trips and even the deadlines, but hey you have to keep growing in life.
So wish me luck from here on out, I feel good things a coming!

List of things I hope the near future holds (in random, first ten things that come to me order)
— Get a new car, our old jalopy is not a fan of us of late
— Go on an international trip with Rob, I have never even been on a plane with him so really wanna
— Get my drivers licence. Im soooo embarrassed that I still don’t have it, I just keep failing it’s like this thing in my life I just cant do and it eats at me!!! I can drive pretty well I’m told, but every time i do the test I get so nervous I can hardly think (hit the examinor with my door the last time), this is like the bane of my existence (and every time some1 asks, “so when you getting your licence?”, I want to throttle them) it doesn’t help that it’s quite a pricey thing to do – Damn I’m starting to feel like Sponge Bob or Sheldon on Big Bang Theory🙁
— Get to grips with this clinical depression thing, think I’m getting there on this one.
— Have a baby, well this is not next week or anything, but I can see a baby in my future
— Fix up our place, we very much doing this at the moment and as we have decided to stay for another 3 or so years it’s important to be comfy
— Buy a house. We still saving for this one hence the staying where we are now thing
— Grow my blog. I’ve been having a blast and wanna continue
— Get a new camera and focus on my photography a bit more, join a photography club maybe
— Get into shape, but try not to obsess about my weight so much, this one is a little easier said than done

Wish me luck, I’m going to need it!

What’s in the bag?

What’s in your bag this morning? I’m a big hoarder and keep adding things to my bag as the week goes, so Monday’s are the “neatest” days here is what I have on this cold Monday:

This is my “work bag”, it’s Nine West and a birthday gift from Rob, love it to bits!
I LOVE notebooks and after the editor of  Elle SA, Jackie Burger, told me she loves notebooks too (interviewed her last year), I feel less odd cos I think she rocks and she sees the point in a notebook fixation ;), from top to bottom I use these for: shopping lists, budgets and trips, work stuff like appointments and numbers, blog notes, my inspirations and designs, for interviews for work.
I take the  train to work and try to always have a book with me to pass the time, I’m LOVING this it makes time fly and Marian Keyes is SOOOOO funny
This is my personal diary/date book I use it to keep myself from double booking myself and yes it was free in the Glamour mag – I still double book myself though, it’s annoying
I have iron deficiency anemia and take these iron tablets, I use the twisty thing to keep track of what to take when, I often forget and the  container mostly serves as a way to show me exactly what I forgot and when. The other pills are cold meds (hold thumbs it works)
I have lots of lips and lots of lipgloss, hehe. This is Labello hydro care – great to combat chapped lips in winter, MAC Lipglass in Spirit and Soul- cos I love the colour – was a fashion week freebee 🙂  Clarins colour quench lip balm- there is so little left, but I just cant give it up, i love it
Apparently I’m out of hand sanitiser, I have tissues and Evian Brumisateur though. (the evian is great to revive make-up, I hardly wear make-up, but when I do it’s great)

So that is what is in mine, what is in yours? yes I do realise I forgot my wallet at home, bugger! seriously elle!

Taste of childhood

Someone on twitter mentioned Rascals this morning and I was instantly taken back to my younger days where my mom would buy a string of little packets for each of us (siblings) and we could take a packet to school everyday and I’d eat all of mine in one sitting and have no treat to take to school, but I didn’t mind because stuffing all those chewy fruity sweets into my mouth (back when I was a negative clothes size) was soooo worth it and I could always buy my sister’s from her (she always preferred money over snacks, prob why she is still a negative clothes size and always has money).
A friend @nogsteedslana tweeted back to say it tasted like sunnypark’s parkinglot,hahahaha-she makes me laugh that one-any way it made me think of other treats I loved as a kid and can’t find these days…. I don’t remember names much so help me out
—  there was this chocolate similiar to twix think it was called 777 anyone remember that? I feel like I might have been dreaming it,lol
—  I used to love those juices that had the straw coming out of bottom of plastic bottle and straw had little cap, don’t think the juice was all that nice, but I love novelties 🙂
—  That yogurt where the topping came in its own little compartment and you folded it over and mixed, yum
—  Ooh those Pep chocolate bars that were square and in green packet with a minty filling – I used to live on those at tech, yummy!
—  Those orange chocolates that looked like a orange chocolate cut into little slices – used to steal slices from my aunt 🙂


I'm off sick today, and amongst other things I feel like a car that has completely run out of petrol! Sputtering and dragging along, nt a good feeling…
Here's what being home sick has taught me

– my house needs a good clean (I'm gonna wait for housekeeper tomorrow)
– Its possible to actually feel green
– I don't like being sick it makes me a nag and being a nag is pointless if there is no1 to nag too
– my bathroom is too far from TV
– lots of the shows on Disney should be banned for annoyingness
– the day goes by real fast if you fall asleep all the time
– u always get offered best food when you can't eat
– I can't switch my brain off, constantly thinking bout work
….Enough complaining…have a good hump day

Passing time

– So I'm stuck at the airport, ironically staring at this sign (nedbank ad), as my flight has been seriously delayed-fun times, a friend/cousin in law sent me this quiz and I thought,its not like I have anything better to do 🙂

USING ONLY ONE WORD Not as easy as you might think! Now forward, change the answers to suit you.

Where is your cell phone?


your hair?


Your mother?


Your father?


Your Favourite thing?


Your dream last night?


Your Favourite drink?


What room are you in?


Your Hobby


Your fear?


Where do you want to be in 6 years?


Where were you last night?


Something that you aren't?




Wish list item?


Last thing you did?


What are you wearing?


Your pets?




Your life?


Your mood?


Missing someone?




Something you're not wearing?


Your Favourite store?


Your Favourite color?


When was the last time you cried?


Where do you go to over and over?

CRAZY TOWN             

My Favourite place to eat?


Favourite place I'd like to be at right now?





Out and About: Wine and Brandy tasting

brandy and lindt, lots of it

I often get invites to fun events around the city (perks of the job) and last night was one of those. Rob and I were invited to a wine and brandy tasting hosted by the PE wine and food society. We had a blast, the club is full of amazing people (love hanging out with older crowd because they have so much to share and teach) and boy did I learn a few things, like:

1. When they say tasting, taste, don’t drink (The husband learnt that the hard way)
2. I have a tiny nose so the bringing the glass under my chin to smell, is super pointless
3. A meal of six tiny courses, is much more my style than Robs
4. A hotel that looks like a cruise ship is a brilliant idea
5. People think Rob and I are a bad combo for a conversation (say anything wrong, he could arrest you and I could report on it)
6. I don’t care which Lindt choc goes with which brandy, as long as it goes in my mouth.
7. I’m willing to challenge my slight lactose intolerance on good cheese
8. Brandy and shoes often sell for same price
9.  I prefer shoes
10. Sometimes, I love my job, lol