Thoughts I’ve had recently

I’m so tired, omw!!!
who wants to set me up in holiday accomodation somewhere fancy!
I think it’s yesterday’s heat and my body not being used to being outside anymore!
Aircon you have spoilt me!!!
so now I have swollen hands and feet…also
– I overheard someone tell their friend that I used to be pretty yesterday – that made me sad
– Someone said that Logan dying at two days was good, cause it’s not that bad then – that is just hurtful
–  I’m feeling very why does nothing fit, why oh why!!! – that makes me sad
– A man shouted at me out of his car and hooted for briefly pushing Aidan on his push bike in the street the day before(dog scared us off pavement – towards traffic against pavement) , and it scared Aidan so I had to carry him like a km with bike in other arm – that made me livid
–  My hands and feet are swollen this morning – that annoys me (I know I mentioned it twice)
– I have Monday off – that makes me glad

Writers will write

So apart from this blog right here…I’m sometimes featured elsewhere…most of you know about THESE

But did you know that recently I chatted about comparing myself to other moms…for Parenting Hub

The Unintended Comparisons We Make As Mothers

And I wrote about my hair journey for J-Star Blomag

El (1)

and I made a few new things for BlogShareConnect


BlogShareConnect also interviewed me

Blog Share Connect

So did SAMomBlogs

and Cindy Alfino


and this one time I wrote about my trip to Brazil

Sao Paulo highrises

I also write for our local newspaper that’s how I pay the bills these days but I always keep the self indulgent writing above separate from my work here

Have a good Friday all

A job change for the new year


So today is my second last day in my current job.
As of next week this time I will be back in the field. I will be going back to interviewing people and writing stories. I know that many people didn’t even realise I ever stopped, but yes for the past three years I’ve been focusing on sub editing and design and now I’m venturing back into the “line of duty”.
 I’m trying not to doubt myself, stepping down from a comfortable “management” position to a job were I’m likely to have five superiors at any given time is quite an ask. But writing is in my blood and asking a creative person to sit behind a desk, whole day, everyday, is not the best idea.
 I have really loved my job, but at the end of the day I need a change. I’ve been too comfortable lately, working on autopilot almost. I figure that if I’m going to be spending most of my time at work I might as well  add some excitement into my life. As a journalist/reporter I will get to meet new people and learn their stories, I love that. I also get to leave the office, something I haven’t done in the past three years! Challenging myself daily (because you all know I’m only a people person from behind my keyboard).


I wont lie, I’m nervous, it’s been a while since I sat in a news conference with people asking me for story ideas, the thought makes me all anxsty…But the great thing is, my mistakes are now my own to make. My current position comes with the added responsibility  of owning up to any mistake made by a member of the team. As their supervisor, their mistakes or tardiness’s reflect badly on me, cant wait for the only thing that reflects badly on me, to be me (hehehe).


A friend of mine asked a while back, “If you could write anything what would it be?” and I said “inspirational stories that make people think” I get the feeling God was listening in on that conversation.


My new job requires me to  focus on “happy news”, “uplifting stories” news that restores your faith in humanity a little. That is soooo me! and that brief is what made me think that this is the path God wants me on at the moment.


Wish me luck guys. . .

Bill Cosby a rapist? I dont wanna live in this world…


You know the dad from seventh heaven?  The reverend everyone looked up to?  Yes him, apparently he is a pedophile. Meanwhile Dr Cliff Huxtable from the Cosby show, well recent reports point towards him raping at least 13 women.

 Okay not the good doctor and reverend per say as they are both just TV characters… far worse. The actors charged with portraying these characters, Bill Cosby and Stephen Collins they are the ones having accusations flung at them.

 It saddens me, I remember watching these shows growing up and looking up to these men.
 The quintessential father figures who you could always rely on have been shoved off their pedestals and I for one feel let down.
 I’m not naïve, I understand that they are just people, fallible people, but this isn’t some little shoplifting case or a isolated public indecency incident where no one got hurt, this is real. This is protect your children, real.

When Chris Brown beat up Rihanna people were appalled and promptly boycotted his music (until his next single or so). The thing is rappers and hip hop artists aren’t exactly known for supporting women’s rights. They respect their moms who get shout outs at awards shows, but every other female reference is related to getting drunk and shaking it. So it’s not a big stretch that they would disrespect women on a grander scale, yes it’s not all hip hop artists – there are a few good guys out there –  but it’s quite a few and it’s not right.

The shock comes from people like Cosby and Collins , people we have come to expect the moral high ground from.

The shock is so much you find yourself looking for anyway that this is a mistake. The thing is,  Collins is said to have confessed (leaked audio and allegations from ex wife) and there is not much mistaking a confession.

As for Cosby maybe it was all just a misunderstanding. Maybe it’s thirteen individual, detailed, heartbreaking misunderstandings. It’s pretty “he said” ,  “she said” at the moment but let’s be honest the “shes” are outweighing the “hes”.

I guess this is a lesson to us all to be our own moral high ground. Be the role models our kids desperately need and to maybe not trust quite as easily.

And as far as TV father’s go, in my book, Tim Allen is quite literally … The last man standing



So I’m insulin resistant…and relieved

So finally FINALLY!!!! after so many blood tests and doctors visits all my niggly little problems are explained. I’m insulin resistant and although it sucks, I finally have a diagnosis I can work with

It finally makes sense why I can’t lose weight, why my blood pressure is all over the place, why I am always tired, always starving (no not hungry STARVING) even why they have found fatty deposits in my liver, it all finally “has a reason” We never even checked, just assumed it was part of my anemia (the tiredness and what not), but with a new doctor came a new set of tests and a new diagnosis.

I’m starting a diet and exercise plan this week because I know that leaving it untreated is dangerous.
History of diabetes in my family. I will be getting my new eating plan from the dietician tomorrow…good luck to her and me (I have IBS that reacts badly to dairy and reflux- this cancels out like half the food pyramid) so not sure what would be left…

I know it won’t be easy…I have such a sweet tooth, could eat a pack of chewy sweets in one sitting (family size pack) , but I will try my best. My gran died from complications from diabetes and although I know I don’t have diabetes I’m serious about being good and staying healthy for myself and my boys.

In the words of a personal hero who lost a arm and learnt to surf again, Bethany Hamilton  (yes losing a limb is worse than a lifestyle change…but doesn’t mean I can’t be inspired) : 

Laughing my butt off…I WISH!

Like 99% of women out there I’m not all that happy with my size. I’ve been trying to eat better and exercise, but my health hasn’t been up to it (Anemia and blood pressure issues) I’ve been sooo exhausted it’s just not funny. Believe me if tying your shoe leaves you feeling like you ran a 5k then you clearly have no use for exercise… I have pretty bad iron deficiency anemia, last tests revealed that my iron stores (I know that’s not the medical name, I don’t know medical name) were completely depleted, which meant no oxygen in my blood and me passing out way more than I’d like to admit. Well, I’ve been on meds for a while now and things are looking up, which means I can finally get off my behind and do some exercises. I’m still taking it easy (still get exhausted super easily) but any exercise is better than no exercise and I have high hopes of wearing shorts in December so wish me luck…. Here are some funnies to get me motivated.