Some blog and birthday love

So today’s post is a birthday card of sorts 🙂

I thought I’d share some info on my #ecmeetup co-host Luchae and tell you “our story” (because she has been super emo and I’m hoping you guys will go over to one of her social media pages and share some love)

So I met Luchae through email, before social media was super big around these parts, before fb even (giving away ages here).

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Tea with the queen of hearts

This weekend my aunt Desiree turned 50 and because she has the biggest heart EVER we wanted to spoil her for a change.

When she turned 45 all she asked was that instead of gifts we all pledged to give her a food parcel so she could start her dream of operating a soup kitchen…despite health issues keeping her from being able to work she does so much for the community that people were literally falling over their feet to help out at the party.

The theme for her party was “high tea” and each of the “girl cousins” hosted a table, it was so much fun to see everyone’s personality displayed through their tables (Mine is the one with the jars, because I love jars, duh)
I could not get pics of the hosts with their tables and with food  because pretty soon people were sitting down and my sister got sick so I was helping her out and you know, life… but here is a sneak preview 🙂

Setting up
Pretty in Pink
Wood Nymph
Regal Elegance
My Tropical tea
Peacock perfection
Classic Green
Mix and match prettiness
Lady in Red
Afro Chic
Garden party

The significance of being a girl


So although we had our suspicions about the gender of our little one, we now have confirmation, IT’S A GIRL… This is significant because – I might have mentioned this before – After Logan’s death I struggled with the idea of me ever being a mom, I figured it would just not be on the cards for us.

That’s when I started having dreams…in one dream my grandmother who had passed away told me to be strong and that Logan was in the best care possible she also told me I was still needed on earth, in this same dream I was handed a little pink bundle of joy and was told that she was my baby.

That thought always stayed with me and  helped with the decision to try again because in my heart it felt like there was this “unclaimed child” just waiting for us. Then the doctor spoke to us about the chances of getting pregnant, the precautions, the medications needed and so on (turns out nothing was needed as God had other plans), and we prayed about it. I particularly prayed for God to reveal himself to me, I needed to know if being a mother was something God wanted for me and whether or not I had the “guts” to do it again.  That night I had a dream, Rob and I had chosen a baby name and I woke up with a girl’s name in my head, Mckenna (as far as I know, that name is new to me, seriously can’t think of where I heard it before) so naturally I turned to Google ;




How cool is it that a name meaning ASCEND came to me like that, it felt like  God was telling me not to be afraid and to rise upNow knowing that we are expecting a really a girl makes things THAT more special, it makes her LITERALLY a dream come true, I love my little Rainbow already



