I LOVE the currently posts so many bloggers do and thought as the season changes and we enter the warmer half of the year in good old RSA I could try it out, so here goes:
Feeling: Sick and tired, I woke up with such a head cold sinus attack situation I could cry! HONESTLY if there was ever a doubt that Spring is in the air, just ask my sinuses , there is NO DOUBT!!!
Struggling with: Guilt! Guilt has always been a pretty sure fire indication that I’m heading into a depressive episode, If I find myself feeling too guilty about things that shouldn’t cause nearly this much anxiety I usually know to pull back. I missed a physio appointment on Friday and my phone died so they could not get hold of me, I apologised on the phone and in email but even so I couldn’t sleep for two days because I just feel so guilty. Then I forgot a order at home the other day and I just felt like the most useless person ever, guilt is definitely something I need to work on.
Succeeding at: The cooking ahead thing (knock on wood) Rob and I have decided to make Sunday afternoons “cook for the week time” that way when we get home from work it’s just pop in the oven or microwave. This is in an attempt to eat healthier, spend less on take-out and also have a little more time after work. Really hope it works out in the long run.
Making: Orders J I feel very blessed that I have had quite a few orders recently, I feel like this is really happening OH!BOY FTW J
Watching: Mostly play doh tutorials because Aidan is obsessed with it, honestly he just wants to watch people create things, it’s both cute and annoying
Planning: I want to do a new series on the blog, as much as I love the No Fear Just Faith series, recently I have not had much luck finding people to share their stories, so I figure, don’t force it, it will come and in the mean time start another series J thinking of picking the brains of a few WAHMs next so watch this space.
Thinking about: BED!!! Along with the guilt I also don’t sleep very well, I am beyond tired.
Looking forward to: Honestly this is so sad, I don’t have an answer for this, I want some time away with my boys I think that’s what I need to start planning, this tiredness is not a plan!!!
Loving: My boys! And all kinds of treats that are bad for me